Santa Paula Times

Letters to the Editor

March 31, 2006
Bamboozled? To the Editor:Are you being bamboozled by some of the local information being sent out by an attorney (I guess) on the Adams Canyon project? By inference (their attitude), the city and you and I should have all the planning (Planning Commission) and it should be done before any election takes place. This is called putting the cart before the horse.By the way, to be bamboozled is to be tricked or lied to. I don’t like to be lied to or tricked by these so-called citizens (their claim).Bill MensingSanta PaulaSupport is a problemTo the Editor:I received recently a flyer in the mail opposing Measure Y. The opposition included council members Gabino Aguirre and John Procter. This opposition flyer was paid for by SOAR. This poses a problem. When Measure Y passes, Mr. Procter and Dr. Aguirre should be disqualified from voting on any matters including the Adams Preserve Development. There is a conflict of interests due to the fact that they have associated themselves with SOAR and could not vote without bias.Rhonda FogataSanta PaulaMeasure YTo the Editor:Last week the proponents of Measure Y put forth the argument that Measure Y is not about the development of Adams Canyon but simply proposes the extension of the CURB to include Adams Canyon. Therefore, they ask, what’s all the fuss about? I will assume they are correct in what the measure purports to do (I haven’t been able to acquire the text of the measure) but I wonder why extending the CURB includes a discussion of the allocation of the property to private and public use and why it would define how many lots would be in the development, not to mention a number of other issues that I have been told it addresses. The opponents of Measure Y seem to believe that if the measure is approved, the decision of what to do with the canyon will revert to the city council, an entity that they no longer trust, after the approval of Fagan Canyon. Therefore, the first and last chance at approval/disapproval that the public will have resides in Measure Y.Another issue that bothers me is the projection of 20 million dollars in taxes that will fill the coffers of Santa Paula. According to Measure Y, there are to be a few less than 500 homes built in the canyon. That comes to roughly $40,000 per year in taxes for each parcel. That seems pretty steep to me, even for rich folk. Santa Paula receives only a small portion of the property tax so property tax would be very high indeed in order to provide Santa Paula with 20 million dollars. If the tax is supposed to be from sales then there is an expectation that the residents of Adams Canyon would be buying a heck of a lot of stuff in Santa Paula, something I doubt. This analysis makes me wonder about the accuracy of the projected tax windfall. My suspicion causes me to continue to be against Measure YDon BoradSanta PaulaAdams Preserve supportTo the Editor:As a wife of a Santa Paula Police officer, struggling to make ends meet, I was already in favor of Adams Canyon development. So after receiving an invitation to Dr. and Mrs. M. Tushla’s coffee for support of Adams Preserve Development I was even more convinced. Adam’s Canyon will bring so many benefits to Santa Paula without negatively impacting our traffic. For those who say “too big, too much, too fast,” 495 homes on 6,000 acres is hardly too big, and 25 houses per year for 20 years is hardly too fast. If you read the ballot, you will see that the ballot limits the amount of homes being built to 495, if they decided to build 496 it would have to go to another vote. Santa Paula could have its own Ojai Valley Inn, that would not only mean revenue, revenue, revenue for this city, it would also mean over 700 jobs! And guess what, if they decided to put in two hotels, it would go to the voters again for approval. They are going to donate 100 acres of land for parks and ball fields to the city, and for all of you opponents of Fagan Canyon due to traffic issues, it would also mean another connector road from Fagan as an outlet. So here is my challenge to all of you voting No on measure Y. When you receive an invitation to one of these coffees, go, educate yourself, make and informed decision. And if going to a coffee is not your thing, then head down to Main Street to The Ranch at Santa Paula, ask questions they will give you the facts. Our retail businesses need this development, our Police and Fire Departments need this development, Santa Paula needs this development, please vote “Yes on measure Y.”Rhonda FogataSanta PaulaClear, simple and everyday languageTo the Editor:Bravo and hurrahs to our local paper. In clear, simple and everyday language, the paper explained prop “Y”. Isn’t it ironic prop “Y”, Y indeed is all the smoke and mirrors? Y the sesquipedalian (overdone) language on this prop “Y” ballot? Y not punish those who seek confusion? Y not sit the writer in the corner, until he says he is sorry? Y not withhold the milk and cookies and one day’s nap for all who went along with this farce? Another fine mess we are in.John Adrian AnsberrySanta PaulaWhat was the Chamber thinking?To the Editor:You just have to ask yourself what was the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce thinking. They recently took a vote not to endorse the Adams Preserve. A lot of us Chamber members (business owners) in Santa Paula were more than a little upset.A small committee decided that Adams was something Santa Paula didn’t need. They say the timing is wrong. Who are they kidding? What better time could there be to bring twenty million dollars to our city; fix our streets, pay city workers, police and fire fighters, etc. A beautiful project tucked away in Adams Canyon - 700 new jobs, a new hotel, spa, and so much more.I have said it before, Fagan Canyon is the “bread and butter” of what our city needs (housing for the middle class). Adams is the “icing on the cake.” If not now, WHEN! Santa Paula needs and deserves both projects.Let’s not sell ourselves short, Santa Paula. The next time you see a Chamber officer, let them know they made a grave mistake by not opening their arms wide and rolling out the red carpet and welcome mat for the Adams Preserve.I think the Chamber should take a good, hard look at what their job really is in this community. It’s about supporting business (The Downtown Merchants Association fully supports Adams). Unfortunately, our Chamber has turned into a social/political club, out of touch with the very people they are here to serve. SHAME ON THE S.P. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE!Cheryl BaudizzonBrownie’s BasementFormer 5-Year Chamber MemberSanta PaulaWhacky or not...To the Editor:Dear Arnie,The other day I was doing some door-to-door visits with folks around Santa Paula, talking to them about why it might be in their own best interest to vote against further expansion of the city limits into Adams Canyon and beyond. Even though I am one of those people that might be called an “outsider” I was blessed by being born and raised in Santa Paula and have continued to live in and around the city. I became involved in the campaign against Measure Y when I discovered that the proposed expansion was not only going to cover the area immediately to the east of me, but will border us on the north as well. Being a resident of the rural area west of Santa Paula, I can’t participate in the April 18th vote, so I decided to help out the opposing side.I showed up over at home in Santa Paula to get instructions and flyers to hand out, however, you might be happy to know, the opposition is made of some overworked volunteers, fairly disorganized, and generally lacking in resources. Just to help them out a little, I went over to Kinko’s and ran off a couple hundred copies on my own tab. You will also be happy to know that your graphics people are doing a good job, and your colorful brochures are better looking than ours. By the time I got back it was fairly late, and started making the rounds to different houses. It’s kind of strange to do this door-to-door stuff, and I’m sure not my strong suit. I have found it to be very rewarding though, and I’m always impressed by the graciousness and thoughtfulness of people which I encounter along the way. We exchanged ideas both in for and against the development in the best tradition of our democratic country.Anyway, during the walk I found that I was preceded by people delivering your fliers, which were distributed on the front lawns of the homes along the way. Having seen it before, I recognized them immediately (I’m certain you know what a highlight it is read the opposing side’s literature). It was apparent that the Anti-Measure Y campaign was being characterized as kind a bunch of whacky, disconnected, outside, extremists. To this I took a bit of offense. Perhaps you are more used to addressing an audience in Orange County or Arizona, where statements like that appeal to a larger audience. Anyway it occurred to me that your brochure actually did well defining some of the issues, and actually made some better arguments for our side of the issue. So, in my door-to-door visits, after we exchange ideas, I show them a copy of your brochure, and have them read it for themselves and decide who the “Out-of-Town Extremists” are. So far I get the impression that most of them are agreeing with me. So I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your colorful brochures.Brant JacksonSanta PaulaChamber of what?To the Editor:This is to advise the community of Santa Paula that we have canceled our membership in the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce. We have been an active member for sixteen years, including hosting mixers and a Good Morning Santa Paula breakfast, providing gifts for mixer drawings, participating as guest speakers and supporting Chamber programs and events. We see by recent actions that the Chamber is no longer acting in the best interest of Santa Paula’s business community, nor for the residents that would benefit by a robust local economy.Enrique andLeslie CornejoSanta Paula TravelThe choice is clearTo The Editor:The choice is clear - YES, on Adams; NO on Fagan. Why? In short, that voting pattern is good for YOU; it is good for Santa Paula - one canyon is not like the next which is exactly what our city government would have us believe based on their comments during the Fagan Canyon hearings. Here are some of the details.First, Adams is a project of the right size situated in an area where there will be reasonable access and egress. Fagan is not. Adams is a smaller project with only 495 homes located on twice the space of Fagan with 2,150 homes now, more later. With Adams we will experience a modest increase in traffic which will be mostly isolated to a small area, whereas with Fagan we will have gridlock on most of the existing major thoroughfares. With Adams, the city will get significant ongoing fees to support city needs, whereas with Fagan the little money that the developer is offering the city will soon be eaten up by the cost of the project, leaving you and me to pay future costs. The good citizens of Moorpark understood this when they voted down a project of approximately 1,600 homes where the developer was offering a package of approximately twice what our City was going to get for the Fagan project. With Adams, water is not an issue, with Fagan and the other developments in the pipeline, water is likely to be a significant issue.Now to the Adams opposition, you say that Adams is too much too fast, and yet you support Fagan. Where is the logic in that? We hear a number of negative environmental comments regarding Adams by the same people that support Fagan. Again, where is the logic? I find it interesting that at least one of the more outspoken environmentalists against Adams is employed by a developer that stands to gain substantially if Fagan passes, and yet never bothers to disclose his conflicted relationship - a bit self-serving, don’t you think? We also hear about bait and switch tactics related to Adams. We all have become gun shy based on what we have experienced, and are still experiencing, with Fagan and the city council. However, the Adams initiative spells out clearly the number of homes to be built. Measure I (Fagan) did not. Certainly, there are risks with Adams, however, after much research, both legal and otherwise, I have concluded that these risks are minimal compared to the gain. If we do not pass Measure Y, the huge amount of revenue generated by this project will go to the county, leaving nothing for Santa Paula.We have much more to gain by supporting Adams than we do by not supporting it. It is an excellent opportunity for the Santa Paula; it is an excellent opportunity for YOU. Join me by voting YES on Measure “Y”.Larry S. SagelySanta PaulaYard signs in SpanishTo the Editor:You’ve probably seen the yard signs that a handful of the Measure Y opposition have put up. You’ve probably noticed that some of them are in Spanish.These Spanish signs tell me that I should side with S.O.A.R. because Measure Y is going to mean “homes for multimillionaires.”Are these out of town activists trying to tell my family and neighbors that the only reason to oppose Measure Y - if you’re Hispanic - is because you may never be able to buy one of those 495 homes?Please...SOAR expects the local Spanish-speaking community to ignore all of the benefits - the parks and sports fields and the financial support for our schools.I have a message for them. We may be Spanish-speaking, but we know better than that! Measure Y is going to bring us new tax revenue to help make our neighborhoods safer and to help support job training programs for our youth. It’s going to give us hope and prosperity for our future - and for the future of our children and grandchildren.Vote Yes on Measure Y!Rosanna RodriguezSanta PaulaVote Yes on Measure YTo the Editor:Our family first came to Ventura County in 1918. When we arrived Santa Paula was a nice small town and today it is still a nice small city. We raised our family in this wonderful valley. We have enjoyed our many years in business as Ortiz Trucking and we still feel Santa Paula is a great place to live. Over the years all the other cities in Ventura County have grown and prospered in many ways. I still remember when Moorpark and Thousand Oaks were small cities. Not anymore! They have lived out the American Dream of prosperity and progress for their people.As a family that loves Santa Paula and owns over 300 acres of beautiful farmland we feel strongly about securing a better future for our community. As business owners we know our city needs new jobs, a stronger economy, better schools and improved city services. Our city needs growth without overcrowded housing and streets. Our city needs the services and facilities that every successful city has. In my opinion our city needs the Adams Preserve and that is why our family is voting YES on Measure Y.This valley has been good to me and my family. We need to let others know where we stand on its future. To me it will be a very good thing if our people can benefit from 1,000 new jobs, the new parks for our families and new sports fields for our children, grandchildren and young people. For all these years Santa Paula has been waiting for an opportunity like this one. Everybody that is for Santa Paula should be for Measure Y. That’s why we are voting YES on Y!Leonard OrtizSanta PaulaExtremely disappointed with the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce Board of DirectorsTo the Editor:I have been a business owner in Santa Paula for over 46 years. I have served as your mayor and as a council member for eight years. I have been a member of the Chamber of Commerce for over 40 years, served on the Board of Directors for 12 years, and President for two years. I have served on the Board of the Boys and Girls Club, president of the Santa Paula Optimist Club, and Santa Paula Shriners and more committees that I can remember.I am extremely disappointed with the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors decision not to support the Adams Preserve project. The most important Goal of the Chamber is to promote commerce and business. When they take a negative stand against a project that would provide the community millions of dollars in increased tax revenue, provide improved services to the residents of Santa Paula with very little impact on our schools or the community, and create over 1,000 new jobs, they are going against the oath they took when they were sworn in as Board members.I am not concerned for my own business, because I will be retired in the next couple of years. My decision to support Measure Y is to provide better police and fire protection for the residents of our community in the future and to help our city workers receive wages and benefits that are comparable to those in the rest of the county. The question is not whether the project will be built. The question is who will receive the benefits, Santa Paula or the county?Once again, I am reading about a proposed NEW UTILITY TAX to fund city services. I say NO to new taxes. If measure Y passes there will be no need to have a utility tax increase or any increase to our taxes. Join me in supporting this outstanding opportunity by voting YES on Measure Y for a better Santa PaulaJim McCoyFormer Santa Paula MayorPolitics season againTo the EditorLast week’s Letters to the Editor and Editorial clearly brought out that it’s politics season again in Santa Paula.First there was the Chamber of Commerce with their off-the-wall position against Measure Y. What on earth were they thinking? Our business leaders coming out against a high dollar, 20-year building project that is a win-win proposal for the city?But, wait a minute, the Downtown Merchants have come our strongly in favor of Measure Y. Why? Because they recognize the benefits of the project and that it is completely different from Fagan Canyon and doesn’t compete with Fagan.Then there are the SOAR zealots that are out with their campaign flyers saying we’re voting to approve the 495 estates in Adams Preserve. Wrong! We are being asked to vote on the CURB line, which would bring it into Santa Paula’s circle of influence. With that is a list of conditions that the Adams folks are imposing on themselves to make the project even better for the city.Once again, the SOAR folks from out of town, including two county supervisors, are using their money and misguided influence to screw over Santa Paula. I guess SOAR’s out of town people are better than the out of town Pinnacle Group. Give me a break!SOAR is conveniently forgetting to tell everyone that Fagan Canyon was already in the CURB line before they submitted their plans, the Charrette, and the EIR. Yet, they demand this be done by Pinnacle before the vote.Oh, wait a minute; Measure Y only brings the property under city control. It DOESN’T approve any kind of a project as SOAR suggests. It gives the City of Santa Paula the opportunity to eventually approve any development in Adams Preserve.And, of course, the personal attacks have started. City Planning Commissioner John Turturro failed to mention in his attack letter that he was a Planning Commissioner who will eventually have to vote on the project when Measure Y passes.After reading Planning Commissioner Turturro’s letter, I think it points out why we need people on the Planning Commission who can rule properly, fairly, and in an unbiased manner. Obviously, Mr. Turturro is unable to do that and should not be on the Planning Commission. At the very least he should recuse himself, or better yet, resign his position.Many good people have written thoughtful, fair, and balanced letters in favor of Adams Preserve. There is no downside to the project. Traffic isn’t a consideration. Remember, Adams Preserve will be developed, either in Santa Paula or in the County. That is not in question. It only makes sense that we Santa Paulans have a say in what is eventually built and that our city should benefit from the taxes and other benefits.For the record, I support development in both Adams and Fagan Canyons. Please, do what is right for Santa Paula and vote yes on Measure Y.Craig MaillouxSanta PaulaMeasure YTo the Editor:People who call Santa Paula home should be able to vote on issues that affect their community and surrounding areas. I obtained a copy of Measure Y from city hall and read the initiative. I believe the initiative will give me an opportunity (that doesn’t currently exist) to vote on what will happen in the area immediately surrounding the community. If the CURB line is not extended I will not have a vote on what happens in Adams Preserve.The initiative also gives the “City control over the eventual development and uses allowed” and adds “certain development standards to the General Plan”. I am not voting on a specific development in this election. That time will come after the CURB line is extended and I am given the opportunity to cast my vote on a specific development plan. With the CURB line extended I will be given the same opportunities that Moorpark voters were given when they chose not to accept a developer’s plan for their community. This was a local election and no other communities were allowed to vote on the fate of the Moorpark development.Over the years I have seen the resources available to Santa Paula dwindle significantly. I have seen it change from a basically self-sufficient community where residents worked, shopped, and enjoyed leisure time to become somewhat of a “bedroom community”. One just has to be on the freeway early in the morning to see the exodus of individuals commuting to work outside the community. Maybe some are getting an early start on some of the sales at the shopping centers outside our community. Our city staff is working diligently with limited resources to provide the necessary services but in the near future we may be asked to vote on a utility tax to support our local public safety personnel. I am getting tired of dodging the ruts while driving on Santa Paula Street.I am concerned about Santa Paula because of the shrinking number of opportunities afforded the residents. For many years I have seen a lack of career opportunities in town for our next generation. Many who are able to be employed in a career of their choice may be forced to move out of the area because they cannot afford to purchase a home. At one point in my life I was able to purchase everything I needed in Santa Paula, now I have to go out of town to purchase items because the local stores no longer exist. I was involved in youth sports for many years. Twenty years ago it was always a problem to find locations for all the teams playing soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, etc. to practice. I can imagine what it is like now.The park in my neighborhood used to have one team practicing on it at one time. Now I see three teams crowded on it on occasion. I wonder how long Teague Park will hold up after the recent renovation of the park. Something has to be done to address the future of Santa Paula. I want that something to be determined by the local residents and not by individuals who live in other communities.I try to keep myself informed of issues so that I may make an informed decision. Thanks to both sides of the Measure Y issue I am getting plenty of material. But, I am starting to resent the number of phone calls to my home from individuals, who don’t even live in the community, trying to convince me not to support the CURB line extension. What makes it even more unacceptable is the fact these callers appear to be reading from a script and do not engage in a dialog. I wonder what their efforts will be when the dumping of sludge at Toland Landfill from all the water treatment plants in the county becomes an issue.
I am voting Yes on Measure Y because I want to be able to have a say on what type of development goes in Adams Preserve. I will not be able to do this unless the CURB line is extended.Joe JaureguiSanta PaulaConstantly evaluatingTo the Editor:As a real estate agent in Santa Paula, I am constantly evaluating new opportunities for our great city. With all of the proposed development in our town, I believe it is important to read between the lines. In order to plan for smart growth and ensure a better future for Santa Paula, we need to take the time to familiarize ourselves with the facts. When I first learned of Measure Y and The Adams Preserve, I made it a priority to thoroughly research the small print of the initiative, which is more than I can say about some of the other folks who have been writing letters about Measure Y.The facts are right there in the city’s own impartial analysis - Measure Y locks in the total number of home sites from 2,250 to 495. That’s a number that can never be increased without another public vote.But that is not all that Measure Y guarantees. Those 495 homes will eventually bring more than $20 million in new tax revenue annually to Santa Paula. You can hardly believe that 495 homes nestled in the canyons can generate that much revenue - but with taxes determined by the value of the home, those 495 homes will produce more economic benefit than a denser condominium development!I support Measure Y because it gives the Santa Paula community the control to choose what is best for us and it provides us with the economic stimulation we need. It’s pretty amazing to think of what it’s going to do for local business and for the community as a whole. Please make the same effort I’ve made to learn more about Measure Y. To know it is to support it.Brian GuevaraSanta Paula RealtorI enjoy reading opposing opinionsTo the Editor:I doubt letters to the editor are very effective in debating issues. However, I enjoy reading opposing opinions. They help me sort fact from fiction. So far into the Measure Y debate, I find nothing persuasive in the opposition. It is a rerun of the same baloney used to defeat Measure F a while back. Why this knee-jerk reaction to the Adams Preserve development? What are their real concerns?The objections always evade the basic purpose of Measure Y: to cast a CURB line around Adams Preserve and amend the General Plan to set limits on development there. Approval locks in any future benefits for Santa Paula. Where is the danger in that? The objections run the gamut from hypothetical to wacky but not one addresses the actual purpose of the Measure. Such a scattering of specious argument suggests it hides more basic purposes that would not have voter appeal. Considering that two organizations SOAR and Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation - lead the opposition, let me venture a guess.SOAR objects to any development outside city limits anywhere. They are the out-of-town, anti-development “I’ve got mine” group, indifferent to Santa Paula’s needs. The other, CEDC, including their minions and camp followers, object to any development that has nothing in it for them. The dog-in-the-manger attitude. Any likelihood of upgrading our demographics threatens their business income of providing subsidized housing. A prosperous community is not their playing field.People often say they have the community at heart, but most favor whatever accommodates their own interests. I’m for Measure Y because of its potential for providing Santa Paula more affordable people. I would like to live in a town that isn’t always on the brink of crumbling into third world conditions for lack of revenue. That’s my selfish reason. Opponents clearly have theirs.I find it amazing that our townspeople can be led to fight so mightily against any chance for improvement. Observing our potholed streets and struggling businesses, I fear the worst, but hope for the best that this time around our people will seize the opportunity to do themselves a favor and vote yes on Y.Bill GlennSanta PaulaI was so impressedTo the Editor:Wow, I was so impressed. Last week, I went to see the Estancia project, developed by the Pinnacle Group in Scottsdale, AZ. I went because I just wanted to see for myself an example of a project that we too can have in the Adams Preserve. I was so impressed with the quality of what they had done. It is a beautiful golf course surrounded by upscale homes nestled in the foothills of Pinnacle Peak, a Scottsdale landmark. Each home site is carefully separated from the others, preserving the natural beauty of the landscape and desert environment. The landscaping was all natural, consistent with the area and its surroundings. They not only let the natural habitat remain but they enhanced it. The architecture and design of the clubhouse was my favorite Tuscany architecture.While I was over there, I kept saying out loud, “Boy, Santa Paula deserves to have something like this in Adams Canyon. We would be so blessed and prosperous by having something like this.” Now, I understand how it would generate over $20 million a year into our community. It would help get us out of the poverty status that our city seems to be in. Can you imagine our streets without any potholes?We are so lucky that Arnold Dahlberg, the owner of the Adams Preserve, has the vision and the heart to offer this opportunity to the city of Santa Paula instead giving this to the County. And Folks that will happen if we, the People of Santa Paula don’t go out and vote for Measure Y to move the CURB line to include Adams Canyon.Adams was turned down before, but the developer heard the people’s cry and came back with a downscaled and improved proposal. This is the first step in a long approval process that has to be completed. First we have to move the CURB line. We have to be wise and vote for Y so that the county does not take this away from us. This is really our last chance.Santa Paulans, now is the time to grab this opportunity for our community to benefit from the Adams Preserve. Please Vote Yes on Y. Remember Yes on Y.Olivia EscotoSanta PaulaTough enough to start a business, even tougher to make a profitTo the Editor:I’ve lived in Santa Paula for 25 years and I’ve had the privilege of being a local business owner for the last 3 1/2 years. Owning a business is tough - long days, sleepless nights, and a constant uncertainty that you’ll have the resources you need to keep your business afloat.It’s tough enough to start a business and even tougher to make a profit. Like me, most businesses rely on the local Chamber to promote the local economy by helping businesses thrive and succeed. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce.Rather that focusing on what’s best for the local business economy, our Chamber seems intent on doing everything they can to keep Santa Paula exactly the way it is today - with a downtown desperately in need of help and an economy that is barely keeping the city afloat.Measure Y and The Adams Preserve is going to bring a lot of benefits to our city - 100 acres of parks and new sports fields, more than $5 million to help build a new high school, 40 acres for a new school site or for affordable homes for our teachers and other public service workers, and the guarantee that no more than 495 homes will be built on the 6,000 acres in The Adams Preserve. Why wouldn’t the Chamber support Measure Y?All of these benefits are much needed in Santa Paula. But perhaps the greatest benefit to our city comes in the form of millions of dollars in new tax revenue that The Adams Preserve will generate for our community. We’re talking about an immediate, substantial contribution to the city’s General Fund from the first day of project approval, and eventually more than $20 million every year once all of the homes are built. Nothing - not Fagan, not Limoneira, not any other project idea - contributes this much money to the city’s budget.Imagine for a moment what that kind of money could do for our downtown area.Imagine what that kind of money could do for our police and fire departments, our libraries and youth programs, and other community priorities.Imagine what that kind of money and this kind of project could do for local business.It’s difficult enough to believe that there are actually people who don’t want to see these positive changes in Santa Paula. It’s appalling to think that our local Chamber - the very people whose responsibility it is to be stewards of the local business community - want to take this incredible opportunity away from us. Don’t allow them to take this chance away - join me and other local merchants by supporting Yes on Measure Y.Pam ColvardVice President, Downtown Merchant’s AssociationLet the Children PlayTo the Editor:Whether you’re a fifth generation Santa Paulan or a recent transplant from Ventura or Los Angeles, there’s no debate that what makes Santa Paula an incredible place is the people who make up the fabric of our community.We believe that every Santa Paula resident has a responsibility to do whatever they can to make our city a better place - for themselves and for future generations. It’s the stewardship of people who love this town that will ensure Santa Paula remains a great place to live and raise a family.We are committed to ensure that Santa Paula grows responsibly and that the children of our community are given every opportunity to excel and exceed. We have taken a hard look at Measure Y and the plan for The Adams Preserve, and we’ve come to the definitive conclusion that this is an incredible opportunity for Santa Paula to renew and revitalize. Let us tell you why.There are several things that can be done to enrich our great city, and we believe there are three in particular that must be addressed in order for Santa Paula to experience a meaningful revitalization:1. OUR CHILDREN AND OUR SCHOOLS: Santa Paula schools need help. They don’t have enough financial support to make the infrastructure improvements they need or to give our children the most advanced and up-to-date tools and equipment for the classroom. They need more space, new desks, and new books, among other things. Our children deserve the best, and they just aren’t getting it right now.2. OUR RECREATIONAL SERVICES: Right now we have Little League, soccer, and football teams that have to share fields that are in terrible shape, we have basketball teams that don’t have courts to practice on, and we have community programs that suffer because there’s just not enough to go around. We want our children in the parks and on the ball fields, not on the streets.3. OUR CITY’S FINANCIAL RESOURCES: The City of Santa Paula needs the financial means to provide our community with what it deserves, and that includes making sure that every pothole is fixed and that healthy new businesses make their homes on our Main Street. Our public servants deserve better pay, our residents deserve safer streets, and our community programs deserve more financial support.We believe that the only way to achieve these three important goals is through growth and we will stand behind any project that benefits the city as a whole.That’s why we support Measure Y and The Adams Preserve. We believe that every city has to grow in order to achieve the economic sustainability it needs to make necessary upgrades and improvements. Measure Y is smart growth that brings an overwhelming amount of benefits to Santa Paula.Measure Y will give our children 100 acres of new recreational facilities, ball fields, and sports parks. It will give our schools millions of dollars in financial support and 40 acres of land that could be used to build affordable homes for teachers and other public servants. And it will bring in new net revenue to the city’s General Fund from the first day after approval - eventually bringing in more than $20 million per year, every year after build out. IMAGINE WHAT THAT KIND OF MONEY WILL DO FOR OUR COMMUNITY!We have read the full text of the Measure Y initiative and the facts are there - only 495 homes on 6,000 acres, more than 80% as permanent open space, and tons of benefits for Santa Paula. This is a plan that we believe in and can stand behind. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO SUPPORT THE RESPONSIBLE GROWTH AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT MEASURE Y AND THE ADAMS PRESERVE WILL BRING TO Santa Paula. WE OWE THIS TO OUR CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, AND THE MANY RESIDENTS WHO LOVE THIS TOWN AS MUCH AS WE DO. THANK YOU.Yolie Cerda-LeeEric BarraganCheryl BaudizzonSanta PaulaOur Chamber is out of tune!!!To the Editor:If there were song lyrics to the Chamber’s position of not supporting Measure Y, they would be missing the word “Commerce”!! The Chamber has seemingly struck a sour note (or is it SOAR note?) with many of its members, especially those in business.It is unfortunate that it appears the opinions of a few have influenced a negative position to oppose Measure Y. One has to wonder if their Board of Directors truly echoes the feelings & opinions of its business membership..!!..??Bringing the Adams Preserve into our CURB, which is all the measure initially does, will result in numerous positive benefits to our financially strapped City.WAKE UP SANTA PAULA citizens, don’t let the Chamber’s bad decision influence your vote. Please, for the sake of our City, Vote YES ON MEASURE Y.Gene & Sally CaulfieldSanta PaulaAmorphous claims and empty promisesTo the Editor:As a former member of the City of Santa Paula Planning Commission and a regular at the Ventura County Planning Commission meetings when I was an assistant to a County Supervisor, I am appalled at Arizona based developer Pinnacle’s impudent effort to buy an election with amorphous claims and empty promises. As of the last reporting date they have outspent the opposition 50 to 1!Pinnacle started out by asking for a vote to move Santa Paula’s curb line so Adams Canyon can be expanded. This would allow Pinnacle the opportunity to develop the canyon without specific information to the public about their project. It is counter to all standard planning principles and guidelines. Pinnacle is asking voters in Santa Paula to blindly approve a massive land parcel expansion based on empty promises and disingenuous claims. This is a classic example of putting the cart before the horse. All they can say is trust us.Pinnacle says that starting on day one, Santa Paula’s city budget will receive a substantial monetary contribution. However, no one knows when day one will be. Another claim is that upon completion of the project the city will annually receive 20 million dollars. However, no economic feasibility study has been published to indicate the source of the promised 20 million dollars.Pinnacle is claiming that Ventura County Supervisors and local residents are out town extremists trying to deny Santa Paula residents the benefits of their development project. Are they so ill advised about county land use issues that they don’t even know that Adams Canyon is an unincorporated area under the jurisdiction of county government?Twice, Santa Paula voters have rejected Adams Canyon proposed projects; resoundingly the last time with a 63.3 percent to a 36.7 percent vote. On this occasion, they promised eight million dollars for the City of Santa Paula projects. They donated a couple of thousand dollars to Little League and a couple more for soccer and the rest dissipated into thin air. This time, can they be trusted to provide 20 million dollars annually? Pinnacle is giving false hopes and empty promises. The consequences of Adams plan could be very detrimental to our beloved community. Say no to the Adams Canyon.Bob BorregoSanta PaulaInteresting spectacleTo the Editor:While walking past the train depot a couple of Sundays ago, I saw an interesting spectacle. Councilmember Gabino Aguirre was standing in front of a podium with a “No on Measure Y” poster. As the photographer’s camera snapped and Councilmember Aguirre posed proudly, the scene was set for a rally or event. There was only one thing missing... everyone else!As I stopped to wonder why anyone would want to stand in front of a microphone and preach to the wind, it suddenly became clear - I was witnessing a protest with no protestors!This idea may seem absurd, but when you get the facts on Measure Y you begin to understand. Measure Y guarantees 100 acres for new parks and sports fields and 40 acres for a new high school or affordable homes for teachers. Measure Y guarantees at least $5 million for a new high school, $20 million in new tax revenue, and a destination hotel that will add more than 700 new jobs to our economy.Measure Y preserves over 4,000 acres of land west of the city as open space forever. Who would stand up to oppose this? On Sunday afternoon I waited patiently to see - and no one arrived.The anti-Measure Y propaganda infiltrating our town is from outsiders - they don’t care about our parks, because their kids will never play in them. They don’t care about improving our schools because their children attend school elsewhere. They can turn away a 200% increase to Santa Paula’s General Fund because they live outside of the community and will never see a dollar of it benefit them.I understand that Council members Aguirre and Procter support the development of affordable housing in Santa Paula and that is an admirable position. However, the community needs a broad range of housing opportunities. This is the only way to create the tax base needed to continue to provide the subsidies necessary to build affordable homes. When you look at the whole picture, you’ll see that The Adams Preserve will provide that tax base.It’s a shame that Councilmember Aguirre took all that time to show up at a protest, only to find out that Santa Paulans want to approve Measure Y.The Adams Preserve is the Right Place, Right Time and Right Size.Help move Santa Paula forward - join me and vote Yes on Measure Y.Remember, “A rising tide raises all boats!”Al EscotoSanta PaulaMeasure YTo the Editor:As I understand the election on the 18th of April is ONLY to determine if we as citizens of Santa Paula want to bring the Adams Preserve into our sphere of influence. If the Preserve is going to be developed, either through the County or by our City, I would like to have the final say as to how it can and will be developed. This can only be done if Measure Y passes. I have heard and read arguments both ways, and I don’t know why anyone is against the measure. I would think that all of the people of Santa Paula would want to have their say as to how the Preserve will be developed.As far as open space is concerned, this is private property now and the public has NO has access to it. IF it’s developed as has been proposed, a large part of it will still be private property, and the public still will not have access to that part. Now comes the good part. IF it’s developed as proposed, the City will gain new parks and sport fields that we need. Please note that I said IF it’s developed as proposed. These are only proposals and they can be changed either by Ventura County or, if Measure Y is passed, by the City of Santa Paula. I would hope that the people of Santa Paula would like to make their own decisions and recommendations as to what they want in the Preserve, and not leave it up to the County.I also believe it’s better to use our canyons for housing than to tear out our agriculture for any kind of development. We have lost too much farmland already to housing and business.As far as an EIR or a Development Agreement, how can we ask the developer to do this when we have NO say as to what he can do with his property?? If measure Y passes, then all of these things will be done. Just keep in mind that if we don’t vote yes on Y, the County will have the final say as to how the Preserve will be developed.Wayne AlleeSanta PaulaDon’t take our future from USTo The Editor:My name is Josh Stockton and I am in the 6th Grade at St. Sebastian School. I read the Santa Paula Times every week, and I am surprised at how many people who are able to vote would think that Measure Y was a bad idea. I can’t wait until the day I turn 18, so I can register to vote and make smart decisions for my community.I play little league and recreation basketball every year, and every year, we have to practice baseball at schools that have so many gopher holes that we trip and twist our ankles. Basketball practice is in the small building behind the community center. For anyone that has never been there, let me tell you that it is just a garage that has two baskets on each end and the ceiling is too low to practice shooting. Measure Y is going to benefit US... young people who play sports and want better fields. Don’t take our future from US.Josh Stockton6th Grade,St. Sebastian School