Santa Paula Times

Memorial Day: Mercer-Prieto VFW Post annual observance Monday

May 24, 2006
Santa Paula News

Monday is Memorial Day and the Mercer-Prieto VFW Post 2043 annual observance will feature a former Post Commander who will address his World War II Army experiences.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesMonday is Memorial Day and the Mercer-Prieto VFW Post 2043 annual observance will feature a former Post Commander who will address his World War II Army experiences.The annual Memorial Day observance will be held at Santa Paula Cemetery starting at 10:30 a.m. following a musical prelude by the Isbell Middle School Band conducted by Juliette Resor.The band will also play the National Anthem following the welcoming remarks by VFW Post Commander Jack Schneider.John W. Bailey, the Post Chaplain, will offer the invocation before the introduction of featured speaker Carl Barringer.Barringer, a member of the 413th Infantry Regiment of the 104th Timberwolf Division, fought in Belgium, Holland and the German Rhineland and participated in meeting the Russians above Leipzig in April 1945.A Sgt. (Squad Leader) who was awarded three Battle Stars, one Bronze Star and the Combat Rifleman Award, Barringer was later reassigned for the invasion of Japan when the war ended.After Barringer’s remarks the Placing of the Wreaths Ceremony will be held followed by the Salute of Departed Comrades conducted by VFW Post 2043 and the Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 56 Rifle Squad.Rudy Arellano, the KWVA bugler, will sound Taps, the traditional conclusion of the annual service.An array of veterans and their supporters will take participate in the observance including the Channel Islands Chapter American Ex-POWs, Vietnam Veterans of Ventura County, Daughters of the American Revolution Golden West Chapter, Independent Order of Oddfellows Santa Paula Lodge 314, Loyal Order of the Moose Santa Paula Branch 2097 and the Rotary Club.
Cub Scouts Pack 3304 will assist the VFW in decorating the cemetery with American flags for the observance each year attended by hundreds of Santa Paulans.Barringer, who served multiple terms as Post Commander, is Past President of the Rotary Club and of the Chamber of Commerce as well as serving twice Mayor during his two terms on the City Council, is also a well-known VFW booster who is proud of Post 2043.“It certainly is successful in Santa Paula,” he noted of the Mercer-Prieto VFW Post.Barringer noted that the organization, a strong advocate of veterans’ rights, seems to attract older comrades: “It seems that veterans don’t join in most cases until they’re 65 years old...they go through life and then want to participate. It’s usually the older guys who support VFW” where their loyalty to the organization and other veterans soon is strong.Membership in the VFW not only offers camaraderie but also support for area programs benefiting youth and other social service activities.Members are not only the recipients of friendship but also receive the VFW magazine.“I read the VFW magazine,” said Barringer. “It comes each month and it’s pretty good,” including the editorials by the organization’s Commander in Chief and stories centered on war.“The magazine has really good articles on what happened in Vietnam, in Korea,” as well as all other military action that has called Americans to duty throughout the history of the nation. “The magazine tells it like it is and I find that very illuminating.”Barringer left Stanford University to join the Army; after the war he returned to the university where he soon met Catherine Morris. Shortly after the couple married in 1948 they moved to Santa Paula where they raised four children...they regularly enjoy the company of the their seven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.Barringer, who served as Post 2043 Commander from 1998 to 2001, said that all across the United States the VFW “Meets to gather with its comrades...we may not meet in the same area, but there’s a common loyalty.”