Santa Paula Times

Photo above left, front row: James Leon, Andres Mendez, Rebecca Eckert, Susie Flores Middle row: Reece McCalister, Sponge Bob, Ryan Gunnell, Tyler Masters, Mark Shide, Lauren Shield; back row: Chuck Ohemke, Sabrina Vasquez, Miranda Rivera, Matthew Shide, Kirsten Brock, Corey Peck, Katie Miller. (Above right) Winner’s photo: Reece McCalister with Reece’s Sweets, Kristen Brock with her cell phone box, Miranda Rivera with her red heart box, Jake Gunnell with Sponge Bob, and Susie Flores with her iPod box.

Mupu School Valentine Box Contest

February 23, 2007
Santa Paula News
Ms. Maniss’s 5th and 6th grade class held their annual Valentine’s Day Box contest. Ms. Maniss started this tradition when she came to Mupu School, and Mupu students have caught the fever. There are no rules, just design a unique box to collect Valentines. Over half of the class chose to participate in the competition to design a winning box. Designers were: James Leon, Andres Mendez, Rebecca Eckert, Susie Flores, Reece McCalister, Ryan Gunnell, Tyler Masters, Mark Shide, Lauren Shield, Chuck Ohemke, Sabrina Vasquez, Miranda Rivera, Matthew Shide, Kirsten Brock, Corey Peck, and Katie Miller.