Santa Paula Times

Self-defense class for women offered

March 28, 2007
Santa Paula Police Department

The Santa Paula Police Department is offering a specialized hands-on self defense class designed specifically for women on Saturday, May 5 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Santa Paula Community Center Cultural Arts Building.

The Santa Paula Police Department is offering a specialized hands-on self defense class designed specifically for women on Saturday, May 5 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Santa Paula Community Center Cultural Arts Building. The class will teach crime prevention tips and techniques in self-protection.Topics to be covered in the class include “Color Codes of Awareness,” “Layers of Response,” weapons that can be legally carried, how to hit and where, mental alertness and preparation, situation awareness, and danger avoidance. Officer Dave Manning, a certified instructor in these topics, will be the instructor, aided by other SPPD officers in teaching techniques.
One such technique will have officers dressed in a heavily padded “Red Man” suit. This allows students to actively apply their skills against a “real assailant.”Fee for the course is $20 (payable to the City of Santa Paula). To enroll, fill out an application (available at the Police Department and Community Center) and return to Officer Dave Manning, Santa Paula Police Department, 214 S. 10th St., 525-4474, or email