Santa Paula Times

Another power outage, or, in this case dimming, hits Santa Paula

June 20, 2007
Santa Paula News

Another power outage - or, in this case dimming - occurred last week in the Hallock Drive area, according to a Southern California Edison spokeswoman.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesAnother power outage - or, in this case dimming - occurred last week in the Hallock Drive area, according to a Southern California Edison spokeswoman.The conditions from the Wednesday, June 6 power problem occurred between about 9:55 a.m. to about 4:30 p.m. according to SCE Region Manager Nancy Williams.“We did not have an actual outage...our crew said that part of it was lights dimming and low voltage fluctuating,” noted Williams.
About 28 customers were affected “between north Hallock Drive and to the Lemonwood” Industrial Park area to the south noted Williams.The cause of the electrical problems, which tripped power on and off at several businesses located in the light industrial area, was found by Edison work crews to be related to components in an underground vault, Williams added.Although most of the power problem centered on “just dim and low lights, however some parts of some buildings might have part light in some areas and full light in other areas.”Those who contacted SCE about the problem reported “part light...partial or dim.”