Santa Paula Times

Ryan Stewart and MyPhuong Nguyen announce engagement

November 28, 2007
Santa Paula News
Dr. Charles and Brenda Stewart of Santa Paula and Mr. Tom and Gay Bergmann of Rancho Bernardo are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Ryan Stewart of Santa Paula to Ms. MyPhuong Nguyen, daughter of Mr. Long and Lanh Nguyen of Haiger, Germany. The couple plan to be married on January 3, 2008 in Haiger, Germany. Ryan and MyPhuong met while Ryan was stationed in Geisen, Germany, while serving in the U.S. Army. Ryan was subsequently deployed to Iraq for 18 months, and was awarded a Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Karbala.MyPhuong is a senior at the University of Seigen, Seigen, Germany, studying economics and international banking. Ryan is employed at Vivometrics in Ventura as an information technician.
Ryan will be redeployed to Iraq as a member of the California National Guard in March of 2008. After the completion of his deployment, the couple will make their home in Ventura.