Santa Paula Times

City Council approves Highway 150 Caltrans maintenance agreement

November 29, 2002
Santa Paula City Council
By Peggy Kelly Santa Paula TimesThe portion of Highway 150 that runs through Santa Paula will continue to be the responsibility of city government, at least when it comes to general maintenance, the City Council learned.Councilman John Procter asked at the Nov. 18th meeting that a report be made on the issue.Approximately three miles of Highway 150, also known as 10th Street, runs through Santa Paula north from Ojai Road to Highway 126, said Public Works Supervisor Tony Emmert.“Caltrans (the state owner) is not sure what to do with some of these roads,” when it comes to regular maintenance, Emmert noted. “Although they do the major work, some required work is better done by the cities.”The agreement crafted by Caltrans and the city was first implemented in 1972, but the state agency requested a new agreement conforming to current state standards, according to the city staff report.“This agreement covers street sweeping, picking up dead animals and tree limbs,” noted Emmert.But a new maintenance program also calls for the city to maintain the curbs and sidewalks; the old agreement provided for city maintenance of permanent markings and other activities, but responsibility for same has reverted back to Caltrans over the years.
Emmert noted that although Caltrans will pay the city $7,750 annually for maintenance, pricey sidewalk and curb repair or replacement is much higher. “. . .obviously, this $7,750 would not cover it.”About $1,500 of the allotment will be set-aside for sidewalk and curb repairs, he added.Emmert noted that any time that work is done on Highway 150, Caltrans is “kept the loop” with 48 hours notice of any work that might impact traffic flow. In such a case, certain work hours must be observed to lessen traffic impacts.According to the contract, the city must also remove litter and debris including the removal of graffiti from between the roadbed and other highway right-of-way boundary line.The full council approved the agreement.