Santa Paula Times

Art Gonzales, Sr. helps some of the younger students learn some basic techniques.

Kung-fu techniques being taught at Santa Paula Community Center

November 26, 2003
Kung-fu style traced back to Northern China
A number of Santa Paula young people are studying Kung-fu at the Community Center. Art Gonzales, Sr. and his son Art, Jr., teach the classes. The elder Gonzales lives in Santa Paula. Both he and his son are affiliated with the Camarillo Kung-fu Club, which was established in1982 by Kee Ling. The classes are held each Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5:30.The club teaches its members the Northern Shaolin Kung-fu system. Its origin goes back to the Shaolin Temple in Northern China.Kung-fu training includes hand, feet, weapons and self defense techniques. It enhances a person’s self-confidence, fitness and teaches discipline, humility and respect for all. Traditional forms, philosophy and ideas are passed on to the students as it was taught many generations ago.
Kee Ling can trace his Kung-fu style back to Yeh Yu-Ting, a grandmaster of Kung-fu. He died in Hong Kong in 1962 at the age of 70. One of his disciples later immigrated to North America.