Santa Paula Times

Good Morning Santa Paula

October 05, 2005
Santa Paula News

The next program of Good Morning Santa Paula will be held on Tuesday, October 11 at 7 a.m. at Logsdon’s Restaurant, 824 Santa Maria Street.

The next program of Good Morning Santa Paula will be held on Tuesday, October 11 at 7 a.m. at Logsdon’s Restaurant, 824 Santa Maria Street. Included in the price ($7 for advance reservations and $10 at door - no-shows will be billed) will be a continental breakfast, guest speakers, and special presentations.Speakers on the agenda include Luther S. Luedtke, Ph.D., president at California Lutheran University; Rene Salas of the City of Santa Paula on the Santa Paula Beautiful campaign; Supervisor Kathy Long on Santa Clara River Valley projects; a Santa Paula hospital update by Dr. Samuel Edwards; and Downtown Dinner & Movie promotion by Rochelle Margolin.Awards to be given include Teacher of the Month; Officer of the Month, Chamber Member of the Month, and Public Employee of the Quarter, with plaques provided by Santa Paula Chevrolet; and Yard of the Month recognition, with gift certificates provided by Heritage Hardware.
Program sponsor and host is Limoneira Company Mercantile Center, 525-5541.Call the Chamber office by noon October 10 to make reservations, 525-5561. Bring a friend and remind all others to be there! The general public is welcome.