Bee there! 11th annual F.L.A.I.R. Spelling Bee and spaghetti dinner May 10th!
May 05, 2000
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
Contestants will be watching their “P’s” and “Q’s” and for that matter every other letter of the alphabet at the 11th Annual Santa Paula Times Executive Spelling Bee for Literacy, this year expanded to include an all you can eat spaghetti - or is it spaggheti? - dinner.
The Bee will be held Wednesday, May 10th at Casa Del Mexicano, 218 S. 11th St. starting at 5 p.m. with dinner, with will be served until 6:30 p.m. The cost of the dinner and the Spelling Bee, one of the cities most popular fundraisers, is only $6 per person, $3 for children 12 and under; dinner is also available for take-out!Admission to the Bee only - which starts at 7 p.m. - is $4. The Santa Paula High School Drama Team will entertain.The champs, the mighty Santa Paula Times team, will be fighting for the top spot against the Kiwanis Club, Weyerhaeuser Co., Rotary Club, Rotary Wives, Soroptimist, and the Santa Paula Chevrolet-sponsored Family Resource Center and Santa Clara Valley Hospice.The evening will also feature a raffle and silent auction. . .all proceeds from the evening will go to F.L.A.I.R./F.F.L. Literacy Programs that are offered free to the community.F.L.A.I.R./F.F.L. Literacy Programs include one-to-one tutoring by volunteers who work with adults on English reading, math and written/spoken language skills; prepare for their GED or improve job skills.
There is a family literacy component that serves parents with children 2 to 5 years old encompassing parent discussion groups and workshops focusing on parenting, positive educational influence, making reading a family fun affair and the importance of parents as teachers and role models.In addition, F.L.A.I.R. has partnered with the Santa Paula Elementary School District for an in-school volunteer tutoring program designed for students who may be at-risk to succeed academically.Consumer Information Evenings and assisting the business community are just two other facets of F.L.A.I.R./F.F.L. Literacy Programs.