State Senator Tom McClintock to be honored by the Ventura County Republican Party
May 17, 2006
Santa Paula News
The Ventura County Republican Party is proud to announce that this year’s inductee to the Ventura County Republican Party Hall of Fame is Senator Tom McClintock.
The Ventura County Republican Party is proud to announce that this year’s inductee to the Ventura County Republican Party Hall of Fame is Senator Tom McClintock. While Senator McClintock is considered to be one of the most respected representatives in the state legislature, he is also a former Ventura County Republican Party Chairman. Senator McClintock has made countless contributions to the county as a member of the community and as our representative in the legislature. He also realizes the importance of the grassroots volunteers and appreciates their support and this great honor.During 19 years in the state legislature, and currently as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor in California, State Senator Tom McClintock has become one of the most recognizable political leaders in California. According to every major public opinion poll during the 2003 campaign, Californians consistently rated McClintock as the bestqualified and most capable candidate in the field. McClintock ended the election with higher favorable ratings than any other politician in California.First elected to the California Assembly at the age of 26, McClintock quickly distinguished himself as an expert in parliamentary procedure and fiscal policy. He served in the Assembly from 1982 to 1992 and again from 1996 to 2000. During these years, he authored California’s current lethal injection death penalty law, spearheaded the campaign to rebate $1.1 billion in tax over-collections to the people of California, and became the driving force in the legislature to abolish the car tax. He has proposed hundreds of specific reforms to streamline state government and reduce state spending.
Senator McClintock will join the ranks ofa very exclusive club in the Hall of Fame of the Ventura County Republican Party. Past members include, Congressman Bob Lagomarsino, Congressman Elton Gallegly, The Honorable Brooks Firestone, The Honorable Nao Takasugi, former California Republican Party State Chairman Frank Visco, and most recently, Paul Leavens.The Hall of Fame Dinner of Ventura County Republican Party will take place on Friday, May 19th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Sunset Hills Country Club in Thousand Oaks. The keynote speaker will be Honorable James Brulte, Former California State Senator. For more information or to RSVP, go to or call the VCRP office at 805-557-1240.