Santa Paula Times

Community Development Building: Ambitious redo to better service

August 02, 2006
Santa Paula News

Various city departments seem to have new digs, the result of an ambitious redo and expansion of the Community Development Building, the scene of a Chamber of Commerce Mixer and ribbon cutting ceremony held last week.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesVarious city departments seem to have new digs, the result of an ambitious redo and expansion of the Community Development Building, the scene of a Chamber of Commerce Mixer and ribbon cutting ceremony held last week. Building & Safety, Fire Prevention, Planning and Economic Development function out of the building located just north of the Santa Paula Police Station on South 10th Street.The building changes include a more customer friendly entrance located off South 10th Street, transforming storage space formerly used for the Finance and Police Departments to Community Development use, and more private offices for Steve Stuart and Janna Minsk, respectively the Building & Safety and Planning directors.“We had the public coming through the back door, it was a negative connotation,” said Stuart. “There’s also new furniture to update the look,” computer bookends on the wider, plan-friendlier front counter and - due to the increased space and staffing - room for the technical staff that will now handle customers at the counter. “We’re working on having permits issued at the front counter,” where computers will be able to look up property information at lighting speed.City staffers Gladys Izaguirre and Veronica Ortiz-DeAnda were busy greeting visitors who toured the facility, which, Stuart noted, he’s “talked about for years... but we finally got serious about it about 18 months ago.” Rows of file cabinets hold building permits starting at 1942 and city tax records stemming back from the 1920s.The building redesign and expansion “has really brought up the morale; staff like they have more and more comfortable space,” not only for the workers but also for residents and others doing business with the city.
The cost was about $75,000, not counting labor and the furnishings, and Minsk said that the new layout allows staff to have “information at their fingertips.... It was like a hamsters’ cage before. Now they have renewed confidence in their ability, feel good about what they’re doing.”The approximately 3,000 square feet - about 25 percent of it storage - holds about 20 staffers. “We’re really proud of this,” noted Stuart.City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz noted that at times over the years, criticism of the Building & Safety and Planning Department has been an issue. With added staff and the remodel of the building, Bobkiewicz said “I believe these changes should make us more responsive to the community on development issues of all shapes and sizes.”“It’s amazingly good use of the space,” said Anne Randall, who stopped by to tour the building. “I’m amazed how they reorganized everything.”“Our goal is to have the best customer service possible,” and the enlarged - the building reclaimed about 900 square feet of storage space - and spruced up working quarters will help further that goal, said Stuart.