Mupu 4H meeting Monday, September 11
September 08, 2006
Santa Paula News
Mupu 4-H will be holding the first meeting of the year on Monday, September 11 at the church on the corner of Harvard Boulevard and Steckel Drive (next door to Taco Bell).
Mupu 4-H will be holding the first meeting of the year on Monday, September 11 at the church on the corner of Harvard Boulevard and Steckel Drive (next door to Taco Bell). Registration starts at 6 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. Enrollment is open to students that will be at least 5 years old on January 1, 2007 to students that are 18 years old. Membership costs $24 per year for students, $4 per year for adult leaders. Members must be 9 years old as of January 1, 2007 or in 4th grade to take a large animal to the Fair. All members, new and returning, need to bring a parent to the meeting. Returning members should bring their completed record book to this meeting. Mupu 4-H offers many projects: pigs, sheep, cooking, hiking, community service, rabbits, sewing, poultry, goats, beef, arts and crafts, and others.
Community members that have special interests or talents are needed to become project leaders to expand the opportunities available to the members. If you are interested in becoming a project leader, please attend this meeting to get more information and/or sign up. Training is provided at no charge by the county 4-H office. Mupu 4-H meets the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m.