Santa Paula High School’s agriculture teacher, Alex Flores receives his award. |
Santa Paula High School Agriculture Program & Teacher receive Honors
May 04, 2007
Santa Paula High School
Waking up at 5am, checking livestock at 6am, preparing for school at 7am, class instruction 8am to 3pm, managing a program at 3pm, working with student after school 4pm, checking livestock again at 6pm and getting home around 8pm is the typical life of Santa Paula High School’s agriculture teacher, Alex Flores. When asked, what you like best about teaching agriculture? “The students, the community support, school support, and the love of agriculture are what I like best about teaching agriculture. We have had so much success in the time I have been in Santa Paula that is amazing how much of that success has been mainly because of the students who are willing to take the challenge and take advantage of the opportunities given to them. In addition to the team of teachers, administration, and school board members, we continue to learn more about the value of our agriculture program and continue supporting the efforts of our students.”
On April 1st, 2007, Santa Paula High School’s Agriculture Program received the “Outstanding Single-Person Program Award” and “Outstanding Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor Award”. Santa Paula High School is one of two agriculture programs with only one agriculture teacher. As a single person agriculture program, the responsibilities are tremendous but what has allowed the program to thrive is the willingness of the agriculture teacher to provide students with the opportunities to learn and get involved in agriculture. “I believe that agriculture is such an important industry that the focus of most students today is to pursue a career in medicine, politics, engineering, and business that it overshadows the many careers in agriculture.” The biggest misconception about agriculture is that it’s all about “farming” or “working in the fields” but it is far from the truth!” The agriculture program focuses on developing an interest in agriculture, getting students involved in agriculture projects and/or related work experience in agriculture, and developing leadership skills for agriculture industry and life.Mr. Flores also received the honor of “Outstanding Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor Award”. Mr. Flores tributes his award to his students who have worked hard to excel in the program and go beyond the typical high school student expectations. “When I was in high school, I still remember how much my agriculture program impacted my life. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for my high school agriculture teacher. I would like to thank the alumni as well as my current students who have made this honor possible.”