Santa Paula Times

General Fund budget okayed by Council

August 11, 2000
Santa Paula News
The city’s General Fund budget was approved without comment by the City Council at the Aug. 7 meeting; the budget for the Redevelopment Agency is still pending. The budget report also included deleted classes on the position classification plan. The General Fund operating budget was set at $7,285,582 with a projected reserve of slightly more than $1 million. All other funds will have operating and capital budgets of $14,703,146 with a projected reserve of $400,000, noted the report by Glenda Jay, finance director.There was some budget tweaking. . .the $15,000 budget adjustment will reduce the General Fund reserve by $9,170, the Solid Waste Reserve by $1,220, Wastewater Reserve by $380, Water Reserve by $2,160 and increase the budgets in Community Development Block Grant by $530, Street funding by $1,300 and Redevelopment Agency funds by $110.The $15,000 appropriation will go towards customer service training for all city employees.Also authorized were policy changes, including City Council action for all changes that either increase or decrease fund, department or program appropriations adopted in the annual budget appropriations and City Manager approval for appropriation transfers between programs and sections within a department and between appropriation units (salaries and benefits, services and supplies, capital outlay) within programs.
With the promotion of Assistant to the City Manager Julie Hernandez to Assistant Manager the former title was deleted; gone from management-supervisory/professional unit are housing specialist, museum administrator, fire protection inspector, junior engineer and plans examiner; the general bargaining unit is losing classifications for building coordinator, crossing guard, heavy equipment operator, museum administrator, police dispatcher trainee and safety/water efficiency/water quality coordinator; the part-time unit has now banished lifeguard and lifeguard instructor, pool cashier, pool locker room attendant and pool manager.