Santa Paula Times

JV running back Ignacio Baez (#28) pushes through the line in Friday’s game with Channel Islands. Photo by Brian D. Wilson

Cardinal JV struggles in first game of the season

September 12, 2007
The Cardinal JV football team had a tough time of it Friday at Channel Islands High School. The Cards came away with a 26-0 loss in their season opener.It was a back-and-forth contest in the first quarter with neither team making much headway.In the second quarter the Raiders came alive about five minutes into the quarter intercepting a Santa Paula pass. A few minutes later Channel Islands scored their first touchdown. The half ended with the Raiders leading 6-0.Channel Islands scored three more TDs in the second half to seal their win.
The Cardinal offense couldn’t get past the Raider’s defense try as they may. Three intercepted Santa Paula passes didn’t help the Cardinal’s effort.The Cardinal JV plays Villanova in a home game tomorrow afternoon at 6:00 p.m.