Santa Paula Times

More suspects sought in cockfighting ring

December 07, 2007
Santa Paula News

About 100 of the roosters found in a Saturday raid on an alleged cockfighting operation near Todd Road Jail have been euthanized, and Ventura County Sheriff’s investigators are looking for more suspects.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesAbout 100 of the roosters found in a Saturday raid on an alleged cockfighting operation near Todd Road Jail have been euthanized, and Ventura County Sheriff’s investigators are looking for more suspects. Almost 1,000 birds were found being raised and training for fighting in the two fighting arenas also found on the property. The arenas showed signs of recent use according to a VCSD spokesman.Acting on a tip, VCSD personnel also seized dozens of razor-sharp fighting spurs, vitamins, steroids and syringes at the scene. Vitamins and steroids are injected into the roosters to boost their fighting ability.
Twenty people were detained and seven cited for animal cruelty and released, including five Santa Paulans. One of the Santa Paulans cited and released was an 85-year-old man.Area residents had long suspected that cockfighting might be occurring on the property, located adjacent to the campus of Todd Road Jail. One resident said that loud parties took place on a regular basis at the ranch property.