Inclusionary Housing requirements defined and clarified for City Council
March 05, 2008
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula City Council
Defining and clarifying the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance was on the agenda for the February 19 City Council meeting, where the ins and outs of mandated affordable housing in the Redevelopment Area (RDA) were addressed.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesDefining and clarifying the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance was on the agenda for the February 19 City Council meeting, where the ins and outs of mandated affordable housing in the Redevelopment Area (RDA) were addressed. Planning Director Janna Minsk presented the proposed revisions to the ordinance, outlining inclusionary housing calculations that were considered and recommended by the Planning Commission.In the Redevelopment Area, a state mandated 15 percent of all new construction must target low-income households or at least 10 percent for those households that are very-low income. Off-site construction must be 17 percent inclusionary.
Payment of in lieu fees for same is not an option in the RDA. City Attorney Karl Berger told the Council that properties developed outside the RDA could be subject to in lieu fees rather than the building of affordable units.Councilman John Procter said that the Council wants to ensure that developers “don’t get hit by a double-whammy” and have to deal with laws and guidelines that are “too onerous.”“I wanted to make sure that the Council understands the entire issue tonight, it is time sensitive,” noted Mayor Bob Gonzales. “There is no escape clause inside RDA, but outside a developer can pay in lieu fees.”