Little Cards basketball tournament
March 28, 2008
Girls Basketball (Girls, 6,7, & 8th grade teams) will be holding a Little Cards Invitational on April 26th and 27th at Santa Paula High School.
Their will be a 3 game guarantee in two divisions. Team awards for the first and second place team in each division. 20 minute halves, C.I.F. certified referees. $250 entry fee. For more information contact Coach Rico at (805) 746-3865 or Little Cards are also excited to say they have received (through a parent donation) uniforms that have the team name and logo on them “Little Cards.”The team practices at the high school girls gym from 6-8 p.m Tues-Thursday. The team is still selling domino cards for 10.00 each to help offset the cost of tournament fees.Below is the current tournament schedule that the “Little Cards” will play:March 29-30, 2008 - Santa Barbara March Madness at UCSB ThunderdomeApril 18-20, 2008-Ventura Seaside Basketball TournamentApril 26-27-1st Annual Girls Basketball Tournament, Santa Paula
May 3-4, 2008 - Santa Barbara UCSB at the ThunderdomeMay 10 2008 - Mothers Day Shoot-Out, 2 games at Cuesta College, OxnardCollege, and Orange CountyJune- TBD