Aboveleft, Jess Victoria rode in the 2006 Labor Day Parade. Right, The Boy Scouts had a float in the 2006 Parade. The 2008 Labor Day Parade is scheduled for Monday September 1st, Downtown Santa Paula starting at 10:00 a.m. (Photos by Don Johnson) |
Labor Day Parade September 1st, Downtown
August 27, 2008
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula TimesIf you Google “California Labor Day Parade” you get very few hits. Santa Paula appears to be one of only three such events statewide - Fort Bragg and Bishop are the other two - which honors all who work.Santa Paula definitely has bragging rights, and its 4th Labor Day Parade -this year themed “Celebration of Working People” - will step out from 7th Street on Monday, September 1 at 10 a.m. for the East Main Street procession. Entries of all kinds are welcome, and those representing occupations and workers are “especially welcome,” said 2008 Parade Chairman Al Guilin.Although the entry deadline was August 22, Guilin said he and the Labor Day Parade Committee “expect we’ll have people wanting to join in up until the last day... and they’re welcome to.” The parade is sponsored by the Santa Paula Labor Day Committee, the Rotary Club of Santa Paula and the City of Santa Paula, and Guilin said Limoneira Company and Calavo have also offered strong support.The parade has been rising in popularity, last year drawing dozens of entries and lining Main Street with those enjoying the show of walking groups with banners, floats, workers riding in work-related vehicles, equestrians, and all groups representing a Labor Day theme who were invited to participate. This year, prerecorded background music with a working theme will also be featured in the parade.The parade ends at the Gazebo at Santa Barbara and Mill, where trophies for “Most Original,” “Most Participants,” “Best Overall Use of Theme” and “Most Animated” will be awarded. This year’s Grand Marshals are Dr. Ernest “Ernie” and Joyce Carlson.
Guilin acknowledged that Santa Paula’s Labor Day Parade “may be the only one in the metropolitan area,” although “It just seems like such a natural idea, Labor Day and honoring people who work parades should be more common.” There is no cost to enter the parade, and Guilin said those who would still like to take part may still make out an application. “The funds we are spending on trophies” are sponsored, as the “business community of Santa Paula has been very generous in providing all the money we need for the little expenses we have.”The Labor Day Parade is a family event, held on a holiday of traditional rest from work. The parade is “fun, it’s short, then the people who take part in it or attend the parade can go on and have their normal barbecue... it’s good timing.”The mission of the parade is “to honor working people, all people who put in their day’s work, even guys like me and you.” And Guilin said he has found an “interesting thing I could not believe is there is no other Labor Day Parade within miles and miles of Santa Paula.”Parade entry forms are available online at http://www.ci.santa-paula.ca.us/docs/2008labordayparade.pdf or at Santa Paula City Hall and the Santa Paula Times, 944 E. Main Street. “If people can’t find an application or want to know more about the parade,” Guilin urged they “give me a call” at 525-8839.