Santa Paula Times

Heritage Valley Arc Aktion Club, adopt a deployed soldier

September 24, 2008
Santa Paula News

Heritage Valley Arc Aktion Club is participating in the Adopted a Soldier program.

Heritage Valley Arc Aktion Club is participating in the Adopted a Soldier program. The Aktion Club has adopted a deployed soldier and sends a monthly care package to their soldier. Some of the items that can be sent to the troops are chap sticks, Neosporin, aspirin, moisturizer, band-aids, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shaving cream, name brand razors, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner, soap, hand sanitizers, pillows, blankets, small hand towels, cotton tube sock, books, cards, dice, dominos, checkers, word find puzzles, puzzle books, DVDs, handheld games, A & AA batteries, food items such as hard candy, beef jerky, crackers, canned cheese and nuts. The Aktion Club is looking for donations of these items. Donations can be dropped off at the Heritage Valley Arc facility at 116 N. 10th Street, Santa Paula. For a complete list of items to send, please call Heritage Valley Arc at 805-933-9029.
The Aktion Club is a Kiwanis Club sponsored community service group for adults with developmental disabilities. The Heritage Valley Arc Aktion Club has participated in some community events such as the recent Citrus Festival, Citrus Classic Balloon Festival and City Beautification adopting Veterans Park.