Pictured, left to right, are Suzi Skutley, Edwin Beach, Allan Atmore presenting the check, Dan Robles, Carl Barringer, Pat Alderson and Judy Triem. (Photo by Don Johnson) |
Dean Hobbs Blanchard Library Endowment Fund presents check, $14,880
February 25, 2009
Santa Paula News
Library director Dan Robles and library board member Suzi Skutley were on hand recently to receive a check in the amount of $14,880 from the trustees of the Library Endowment Fund. The Dean Hobbs Blanchard Library Endowment Fund was established in 1984. The purpose of this fund was to provide ongoing assistance to our library.Generous donations of money and stocks have been carefully invested throughout the years to provide earned income. Consequently, this Endowment Fund has been able to help finance roofing and air conditioning improvements.
The Endowment Fund is administered by a five-member board: Carl Barringer, president; Pat Alderson, secretary; Allan Atmore, treasurer; and Edwin Beach and Judy Triem. Donations are always welcome, and you can obtain more information by calling any of the above board members or mailing to Pat Alderson, Secretary, 11840 Telegraph Rd., Santa Paula, CA 93060.