During the past few years, the City has been very active in communicating with community members about City issues, services and activities. Santa Paula was a pioneer in 2004, launching the first City Blog of its kind in California, proving that residents are interested and active in local government issues. In 2007, the City distributed over 6,000 copies of a 44-page “Annual Report and Recycling Guide” providing useful information in English and Spanish about City departments, general information, and recycling services. Again, Santa Paula was the first City in Ventura County to provide its residents with an extensive local government publication. In order to continue to outreach to the Spanish speaking community, the City implemented a quarterly bilingual Newsletter in 2007 which reached over 6,000 households providing information on local events, topics of interest, and City contact information.This first article will launch the City’s efforts to keep Santa Paula better informed and aware of the services and community activities that are available throughout the year. You can expect to hear from each of the City Department Directors in 2009 and learn more about City services and important project developments. As part of a full service City, each department provides expertise and essential services that allow the City to operate day-to-day. Our hope is that the information shared proves useful and provides a new insight into the City’s many functions. The Santa Paula City Council and staff want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to continue to make Santa Paula a great place to live and work.