‘Spring Fling’ to kick off SP Foundation for Youth’s arts programs
May 27, 2009
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
Art and music by students will reflect the goal of the Santa Paula Foundation for Youth to bring the arts back to schools at the May 31 “Spring Fling,” to be held at Teague McKevett Ranch from 2 to 5 p.m.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesArt and music by students will reflect the goal of the Santa Paula Foundation for Youth to bring the arts back to schools at the May 31 “Spring Fling,” to be held at Teague McKevett Ranch from 2 to 5 p.m. The fundraiser will help reestablish the mini-grant program the Foundation - which has been dormant for several years - provided to further the arts throughout the Santa Paula Elementary School District.Tickets to the event, which will feature wine and food tasting, a display of student art, music by the Isbell Middle School Band and Condor Choir, an auction and appearance by jazz/blues/soft rock band The Holly Rollers, are only $15 each or $25 per couple.The Foundation, a nonprofit corporation founded in 1993 as education cuts deepened for arts programs, has been resurrected.Studies prove that arts in schools create better students by stimulating the imagination and thought process. Subsequently, art in schools also results in better, more engaged citizens.Even more recent and deeper cuts in funding that diminished arts led to the reorganization of the Foundation, whose board now includes Meg Beach Phelps, whose late mother Janet Beach was an original founder. Also involved is Mayor Ralph Fernandez, who has been touting the Foundation since it was revived late last year and formally re-launched early in 2009.
The Foundation, Fernandez noted earlier this year at Good Morning Santa Paula, would help fund the arts, whether music, drama, art or other such activities available on a limited basis - or not at all - to present-day students.“The foundation recognizes the limits that, especially in these hard economic times,” have eliminated or hampered such offerings, “so we want to tap into the community. The belief is that if kids are engaged in the arts it helps the community as a whole,” as such exposure helps students focus on studies, opens their minds to learning and creates better citizens.The revitalization of the Foundation is an effort that, Fernandez said, “ties in with what we want to do as a council and a community” to better area education.Foundation funds raised would be used for art supplies, instruments and field trips to cultural events, among other needs and activities. Proceeds from the 2009 “Spring Fling” will benefit grants targeting arts and drama clubs.The event will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. at the historic ranch located at East Telegraph Road and Hallock Drive. For more information or to reserve tickets, call 525-8529.