SPUHS District Bond Oversight Committee seeking members
June 24, 2009
Santa Paula High School
The Santa Paula Union High School District is seeking individuals who would like to be considered as a potential member of our Bond Oversight Committee.
The Santa Paula Union High School District is seeking individuals who would like to be considered as a potential member of our Bond Oversight Committee. The following categories that need to be filled are:• Active member of a business organization• Active member of a bona fide taxpayers’ organization
• Parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the District• Parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the District who is an active member of a parent-teacher organization (e.g. PTSA, booster club, or school site council)Interested citizens can pick up an application, the bylaws and procedures at the SPUHS District Office, located at 500 E. Santa Barbara St., or at our website, www.spuhsd.k12.ca.us. Open until all categories are filled.