Seeing this restored panel truck (photo above left), a Model T flanked by a flashy Corvette and a way cool Porsche, was the quintessential Cruise Nite moment on East Main Street, where throngs of people headed Friday evening to enjoy the pre-1975 automotive beauties, outdoor dining and each other. (Right photo) Even the family dog enjoyed Movie in the Park Friday evening. |
Cruise Nite, Movie in the Park draw huge crowds
September 09, 2009
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula TimesSeeing a Model T flanked by a flashy Corvette and a way cool Porsche was the quintessential Cruise Nite moment Friday on East Main Street, where throngs of people headed Friday evening to enjoy the pre-1975 automotive beauties, outdoor dining and each other.“I’ve never been to a car show before,” said Monica Bunker of Utah, in town visiting her mother Donna Stewart, owner of Santa Paula Inn.“So Monica’s hooked now,” noted Stewart.Bunker was fascinated by the history of a Model T: “He’s only the third owner!” she said of the proud possessor.And speaking of possessions, Bunker’s son, Jack, was napping in his stroller.Cruise Nite, she said, proved to be “Too much excitement for one day …” for the 19-week-old boy.Some Cruise Niters strolled to the beat of John Procter & Four Play who were keeping the hot rock ‘n’ roll coming at the traditional staging area in front of the historic Odd Fellows Lodge topped by its signature Clock Tower.Garnering admiring glances was a black and white Buick sporting the distinctive California Highway Patrol logo and window signage noting “Out of Service Since 1955.”A 1932 convertible Ford coupe, a rich taupe infused with bronze, wasn’t impressed as it was drawing its own crowd of admirers.
People were taking advantage of the mercifully cooler weather with al fresco dining offering an even cooler view of the hundreds of cars on display.“Someone told me that October is the last Cruise Nite of the season,” said Gilbert Romero of Moorpark who said he’s loved cars “since I was a kid driving a Big Wheels … a friend of mine that lives in Camarillo told me about Cruise Nite so here we are.”Romero was doubly pleased when told the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs were sponsoring with the City of Santa Paula a free Movie in the Park.Learning that the film set to start in a few minutes was “Madagascar II: Escape 2 Africa” was going to be screened right around the corner at Veterans Memorial Park, Romero said he had to go.“I’ve got to find my wife and kids … we all love that movie!” Romero noted as he hustled away, eyes penetrating the crowd.The park was jammed with families enjoying the movie and many had thought to bring blankets and snacks to supplement the free popcorn being offered.“We’ve missed the Movie in the Park,” said Lucille Jamison of Santa Paula who attended the screening with her children, a niece and nephew, “and a few of the neighborhood kids.“I’m glad I’ve got a van … and a lot of patience!” she noted with a laugh.