Santa Paula Times

SPESD receives award of grant

December 16, 2009
Santa Paula News

Santa Paula Elementary School District (SPESD) was recently notified by the California Department of Education (CDE), that SPESD was awarded the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT C) Grant Round 8.

 Santa Paula Elementary School District (SPESD) was recently notified by the California Department of Education (CDE), that SPESD was awarded the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT C) Grant Round 8. This grant will provide the school district approximately $443,000 which will provide Promethean ActivBoards in each classroom through the district from grades 4 through 8. The grant will also provide professional development for teachers in utilizing and integrating technology with their current curriculum. The goal of the grant is to increase student achievement by integrating technology with their current curriculum.

“I think the ActivBoard is one of the most motivating and versatile learning tools I have ever used.” said Julia Nordstrom, 4th grade teacher of Barbara Webster Elementary. “Because of the ActiveBoard’s highly visual and interactive nature, students are more engaged in the lessons. Teachers can incorporate visuals, sounds and actions that help reach the visual, auditory and kinesthetic modes of learning.”

The grant will be implemented during the next two years, as the boards will be installed in the beginning of 2010, with the professional development being conducted prior to the ActivBoards installation to better prepare teachers in utilizing the boards. SPESD will be working with Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) in ensuring the implementation allows for an increase in student achievement. VCOE will provide professional development training which will assist the district to integrate current curriculum with the ActivBoards.

“We have made good progress with our students. This will allow us to continue our progress and keep us moving forward” said Kenneth Moffett Ed. D, Acting Superintendent of SPESD.

SPESD’s grant ranked #1 in the region which included qualified schools from Kern, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura counties. The district is pleased to be awarded that grant as schools in California face tough budget adjustments, SPESD will be able to provide technology in the classroom with the assistance of the grant through these tough times.