Santa Paula Times

New and Returning SPHS Band Students Parent Meeting: May 26th at 7:00 PM

May 21, 2010
Santa Paula High School

Attention all new and returning SPHS Band, Color Guard, Jazz Band and Drumline Students and their parents:  there will be a meeting Wednesday, May 26th at 7PM at the Santa Paula High School Band Room.

So that you are informed about all the fun and exciting events in store for your band student, we ask that you attend this meeting.  We will be talking about Band Camp, Uniforms (Spirit Pack), and upcoming fundraising opportunities.

The band students have a very busy and exciting school year ahead which includes 6 home football games, 1 away football game performance (Fillmore), playing with the UCLA Band in October 2010 and attending Phantom of the Opera.

If you have any questions, please call Mr. Doug Kadansky, Music Program Director at (805) 212-0599 or John Marquez, Band Booster President at (805) 297-5071. We will see you Wednesday, May 26th at 7PM.