Santa Paula Times

Six young women made their debut at the 54th annual Las Patronas Presentation Ball at the Ventura Beach Marriott Ballroom. Pictured above left to right are: Jayme Dwyer, Kathleen Borchard, Alexandra Arce, Kayla Lindquist, Morgan Eales, and Kaitlin Farris.

Six Debutantes Presented by Las Patronas

March 18, 2011
Santa Paula News

Six young women made their debut at the 54th annual Las Patronas Presentation Ball at the Ventura Beach Marriott Ballroom. The debutantes celebrated with family and friends on March 12, 2011 at the white-tie fundraiser gala.

Proceeds from the Debutante Ball benefit the Assistance League philanthropies to enrich the lives of children in Ventura County: the Assistance League School for Child Development in Oxnard, The Girls and Teen Club in Ventura, Operation School Bell and the B.U.F.F.Y. Bear Program. To date, the Las Patronas Auxiliary has raised more than $1.9 million for the philanthropies.

The girls, all residents of Ventura County, wore traditional white gowns and carried a white lace fan adorned with pastel flowers. Each debutante wore a delicate gold and pearl fan charm on a satin ribbon around her neck, presented to them by the Las Patronas Auxiliary. The fan, a time-honored symbol of Las Patronas Debutantes, was repeated throughout the evening in both stage and floral decorations. Each girl was introduced on stage and presented to all the guests as they gave a deep curtsey on stage then at various points around the ballroom. At the conclusion of the Presentation each girl danced the first waltz with her presenter before being whisked away for the second dance with her escort. A gourmet dinner and dancing followed.

The high school seniors distinguished themselves by their excellence in academics, their involvement in student government and community service, and their participation in athletics and music. All the girls are planning to attend four year colleges. Each girl exhibits special gifts and talents that they use for their enrichment and that of the community.

The 2011 Las Patronas Debutantes are:

Miss Alexandra Veronica Castro, daughter of Mr. Peter Damian Arce and Mrs. Diana Veronica Castro, escorted by Mr. Elijah Charles Romero

Miss Kathleen Marie Borchard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. David Borchard, escorted by Mr. Stephen David Rohweller

Miss Kelly Shea Dwyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar Dwyer III, escorted by Mr. Sean Maurice Farmer

Miss Morgan Alexandra Eales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Harold Eales, escorted by Mr. Kyle Robert Thille

Miss Kaitlin Louise Farris, daughter of Mr. Lowell Dwayne Farris and Mrs. Jill Ekman Farris, escorted by Mr. Jericho Charles Hogue

Miss Kayla Marie Lindquist, daughter of Mr. ad Mrs. Michael Richard Lindquist, escorted by Mr. Lucas Philip Davenport Villa