Santa Paula Times

Meet the Raptors

June 08, 2012
Live Birds of Prey Highlight Museum’s Animal Themed Free First Sunday on July 1st
Santa Paula News

Meet falcons, hawks and owls from the Ojai Raptor Center when they pay a visit to the Museum of Ventura County on Free First Sunday, July 1, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

The free presentation will give children and adults a close view of raptors which increasingly live in our cities and towns as well as adjacent farmlands. 

The nonprofit Ojai Raptor Center rehabilitates and releases birds of prey in Ventura County, but those brought to the museum will be “ambassador birds,” not able to be released back into the wild, often because of permanent injuries. The raptor specialists will explain how to reduce human-caused hazards to such animals, and explain about how their wild peers live, and how important habitat conservation is to the overall ecosystem.

Admission to the museum’s summer exhibitions is also free that day, including Featured Creatures, which celebrates California wildlife and examines past and present attitudes toward wildlife and the natural environment. The exhibit includes historic photographs, works of art, and rarely shown mounted animals and birds, from a tradition in which museums displayed them as examples of local fauna.

The Museum of Ventura County is located at 100 East Main Street in downtown Ventura. Hours are 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Admission to the exhibitions is $4 adults, $3 seniors, $1 children 6-17, members and children under 6 are free. The first Sundays of every month are free general admission for the public. For more museum information go to or call 805-653-0323.