Santa Paula Times

Peter Pan flies in Santa Paula

July 27, 2001
Santa Paula News
The play, "Peter Pan," was staged at the Santa Paula Knights of Columbus hall last Sunday evening. It was put on to benefit the Seminary Fund of the Canons Regular of The Immaculate Conception. The Canons Regular have Parishes at St. Sebastian Church and Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, both in Santa Paula. Their seminary, Dom Grea House, is also located in Santa Paula. "Nana" was played by Sarah Lemmon. Other young people in the cast: Paul Collins, Mary Becher, Janet Callon, Michael Masteller, Jane Forsyth, Mary C. Masteller, Margaret Mohun, Jean Collins, Michael Forsyth, Cecilia Lemmon, Kate Becher, Kateri Lemmon, Angelica Terrazas, Liam Collins, Paul Masteller, Sebastian Lemmon, Lucy Ferrier, Mary Becher, Daniel Bagdazian, Dorothy Tulberg, Sarah Aist, Nick Collins, Bridgette Coughlin, Bridgette Collins, Sophie Collins, Anna M. Masteller and Greta Becher. Photos by Don Johnson