Santa Paula Times

Santa Paula Fireworks needs Community Support

January 25, 2013
Santa Paula News

Every community has faced budget cuts over the past several years and Santa Paula is no exception.

Unfortunately, the City cannot continue the Fireworks tradition alone but this has provided an opportunity to demonstrate Santa Paula’s Can-Do Spirit.  “For the last several years our community came together and gathered funds to insure that a proper celebration was held in Santa Paula.  We raised the needed $15,000 last year and were able to provide a spectacular Fireworks Show for all to enjoy” continued Gherardi. 

Al Guilin, committee member explained, “We would like to provide fireworks again this year and we are asking if we can again count on the community’s support.  We need to pay 1/2 of the cost by March 2013 and contract for the fireworks display, with the remainder due on July 4th” 

The committee believes that while the City is unable to pay for the fireworks, they will continue to provide the police, fire department and logistical support needed for the celebration.  

“Think ahead to a warm July 4th evening”, says Gherardi. “Family, friends, great food and great fireworks with dazzling spirals under a canopy of stars!”

The committee asks the community to please consider making a donation to the “Santa Paula Rotary Club Fireworks” and suggests that any amount will help. You can be a part of making fireworks happen in Santa Paula. Send a check or look for a donation can at your favorite store. Checks should be sent to PO Box 809, Santa Paula, CA 9306.  The Rotary Club Benefit Fund is a (501c3) non-profit organization and your contribution is tax deductible.