He spoke of the history of strife in Ireland and updated Rotarians on the peace efforts, as well as he failure of same.Belfast is a ?beautiful? city rich in history, where he made many friends both at Queens University-School of Politics and through Rotary.Lingo?s classmates were an international mix whose studies included case studies of ethic conflicts; representatives from each conflict in the world addressed the history and modern-day experiences of the conflict.Visitors were not encouraged to take photographs of troops, police or damage in Belfast, Lingo noted, and the breach between the Protestants and Catholics impacts all that live in the area, even when it comes to sporting events. Lingo shook hands with President Clinton following a peace rally and was able to observe the public side of negotiations close up.A highlight was a Christmas family visit to several countries, including Paris on New Year?s Eve.Lingo found himself the keynote speaker at the 150 member Belfast Rotary Club; he found the Belfast and Santa Paula clubs have much in common. ?They have a Christmas Basket program and get involved in many youth programs,? that serve both Catholic and Protestant children.In all, Lingo addressed 10 Rotary Clubs in Ireland and found the Irish to be enthusiastic and lively hosts.Lingo said his year as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar would not have been possible without the Santa Paula Club: ?It felt great to get to Queens University and represent Santa Paula. . .I want to thank the club and the Rotary Foundation, it was a very unique experience. I was set up with a family of friends immediately, a community connection. The Irish are very generous and Rotary is very like-minded, they want to help the community. Thank you allowing me to tell the Irish about a great town and a great club,? Santa Paula and its Rotary.