Santa Paula Times

City Council tentatively approves new and aggressive anti-graffiti effort

September 12, 2001
Santa Paula City Council

The City Council has tentatively approved an aggressive anti-graffiti program that will supplement the Group Against Graffiti to clean up the city, which has seen another outbreak of property vandalism in recent months.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe City Council has tentatively approved an aggressive anti-graffiti program that will supplement the Group Against Graffiti to clean up the city, which has seen another outbreak of property vandalism in recent months.During Sept. 5 continued hearing on the 2001-002 budget, Santa Paula Police Chief Bob Gonzales outlined the new graffiti removal program overseen by the city.The program is designed to have a new, part-time city employee who will remove graffiti from any city-owned property and to ?eliminate unsightly graffiti as soon as possible in the most traveled parts of the community and then work out from there,? according to the report.City Manager Peter Cosentini said the anti-graffiti effort will take place, ?four hours a day five days a week. . .?The new employee will also secure waivers from other public entities to allow removal of graffiti from fences and walls with the public entity providing any needed materials. The same waiver will be sought from owners of private property for fences and walls; owners will supply matching paint for the clean-up.
Hopefully, a water power blaster will be able to remove graffiti without having to paint over the blighted area. It is anticipated that paint will be donated to the city to supplement what is purchased for the anti-graffiti effort.The police department has acquired a surplused postal jeep owned by the city?s maintenance department that will haul the power water blaster and materials for graffiti removal.The program will cost the city about $28,460 the first year, including the initial $10,000 for the hydro blasting unit.Councilman Rick Cook asked if the city had contacted the Group Against Graffiti about the city?s new graffiti eradication program.?This is to augment GAG,? which will continue to receive the $15,000 annually it receives from the city in matching grants, said Cosentini.?Two are better than one,? to help clean up the city, Cook noted.