Quiet recognition given to alumni Horn, educator Noble at SPUHS-AA reunion
October 03, 2001
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
The gala Santa Paula Union High School Alumni Association reunion was a time to pay tribute to the Alumni of the Year, Lucille Moore Sparkman (Class of 1935), and longtime counselor, teacher and Vice Principal Leila Glover Sciutto (1947-1976) but quiet recognition was given to two women fondly remembered.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe gala Santa Paula Union High School Alumni Association reunion was a time to pay tribute to the Alumni of the Year, Lucille Moore Sparkman (Class of 1935), and longtime counselor, teacher and Vice Principal Leila Glover Sciutto (1947-1976) but quiet recognition was given to two women fondly remembered.Barbara Romero Horn (Class of 1947) and teacher Lorraine Emily Noble (1924-1940) were remarkable women who left their mark on others.Horn was a native of Santa Paula who graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara with a degree in Library Science. Horn first worked as Librarian for the Yards/Stock Supply Office in Port Hueneme and was transferred to the Naval Engineering Lab?s Publications Department handing sensitive engineering reports. Horn was promoted to Director of Libraries at the Civil Engineering Officers School, a position she retired from in 1983.Horn had married Wylie Horn in 1951 and after their retirement they traveled the world using many modes of transportation, including camel and donkey! During a trip to Budapest, they saw the a World Class Ice Skating performance and were so impressed that following the circuit - including Olympic competitions - became a passion. The Horns made friends throughout the world who they kept inn touch with.Barbara Horn served on the first SPUHS-AA Board of Directors, was a member of the San Buenaventura Women?s Club and a Ventura County Museum of History & Art docent. She loved play bridge, art, the theater and people. She passed away in 2001.
Noble and her sister, Grace, grew up on the family ranch in Saticoy. Lorraine Noble graduated from the University of Southern California and in 1924 came to teach girls athletics, sewing and ?domestic science? at SPUHS. Times rapidly changed and Noble?s considerable talents were put to good use teaching general science and chemistry by 1928.Known as a strict, no-nonsense teacher, Noble nevertheless was still ranked high by her former students who appreciated her rigorous attention to their studies and progress which more than prepared them to tackle college science courses.Grace Noble taught cooking at SPUHS for two years in the 1920s. Upon the death of their parents, Lorraine and Grace moved to their Ojai walnut ranch. Both Lorraine and Grace passed away in 1988 just five days apart.The considerable estates of both women were left to SPUHS to be used for scholarships.For information on membership in the SPUHS-AA (you don?t have to be an alumni to join as a Friend), phone 921-0513 or email SPUHSAA@aol.com.