Santa Paula Times
Consultant says support for school
bond measure is strong
Published:  June 27, 2014

Santa Paula Unified School District board members have been told that a survey of voters shows strong support for a school bond measure.

Yuri Calderon of True North Research presented results of a May telephone survey of 200 likely voters. Their results show as much as 68 percent of those surveyed indicated definite or probable support for a bond measure. When given information on the impact on their tax bill the support dropped to 63 percent. The survey results also showed support for a K-8 option for at least one school and for middle school academies, plus very strong support for enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs at Isbell and integrating with the high school curriculum. In addition there was support for career tech classes at the high school.

The board was told that, in order to get a bond measure on the November ballot it would have to be submitted to the County by Monday. The next opportunity for the measure to appear on the ballot will be June of 2016.

Board member Michelle Kolbeck said she was glad they have to wait two years. “This would have been just one more thing where ‘you’ve got to do this, you’ve got to do this’ and then you do it and you find out you didn’t really do it right,” she said. “I would prefer to do it right.” She added that she needs more information. “If I need more information I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there who do as well,” she said. 

Board President Diana Ponce-Gomez agreed with Kolbeck. She added, “The curriculum that’s described here, which is driving the facilities, assumes the board has had a chance to discuss it and we haven’t. These are big decisions. These are big deals for this community. To start doing pathways and academies, that warrants a lot of discussion, not only with the board but with the community.”

This was not an action item and the board indicated they want more community input and discussion before any decision is made on a bond measure.