Santa Paula Times

SPFD: Two injured in work incident at Lemonwood Industrial Park

October 21, 2015
Santa Paula News

Two men were injured Thursday when a canopy-type structure they were working on lost a piece of piping that struck them both.

The October 15 incident said Santa Paula Assistant Fire Chief Dustin Lazenby was reported at 1:13 p.m. in the 1600 block of Lemonwood Drive at a manufacturing facility.

Upon arrival firefighters found that two men working on a canopy-like structure had been struck by a piece of falling pipe.

“The pipe was not very large but it fell enough distance,” that when it struck the workers they were injured.

Santa Paula Fire EMTs and an ambulance paramedic treated both men on the scene before they were transported to an area hospital for treatment and evaluation of their injuries. One worker received a moderate injury and the second had a minor injury. 

Such workplace accidents are investigated by Cal-OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Agency), which Lazenby said was notified of the incident.