Santa Paula Times

Council to address SPARC increase, annual audit, bid for WWTP services

February 12, 2016
Santa Paula News

Appointing youth members to the Recreation Commission, reviewing the annual audit of financial reports, raising rates paid to SPARC and taking possible aim at the controversial Highway 126 Caltrans project is on the agenda for Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

The February 16 meeting was pushed forward  a day due to Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday.

The meeting will be broadcast live on Time Warner Cable Channel 10 and replayed according to schedule. The meeting will also be live streamed on the city website and archived for viewing on demand.

There won’t be a closed session or any presentations at the meeting where the council will also address the renewal of the city’s contract with SPARC (Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center), the county’s first no-kill shelter. It is recommended that SPARC’s contract rate be raised, which according to the staff report is still a considerable savings over the old county rate especially with the larger number of animals — as much as triple — now making their way to the shelter.

The council will also review the bid for operational services for the newly purchased wastewater treatment plant, a move that could potentially save the city hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

The council will also be asked to adopt a resolution for the plans and specifications for the citywide street improvement project.

City Hall is located at 970 E. Ventura St.

For copies of the agenda and reports visit: