Santa Paula Times

Chamber’s May Yard Selection A Popular One

June 05, 2002
Santa Paula News
A lot of Santa Paulans have been watching progress at the Northwest corner of Santa Paula & 10th Streets. Jose & Lupe Orozco have been working on their house & yard improvements since July 2001. They have certainly done their share to spruce up the Ojai Road corridor to our City. The once neglected house & yard is now a most attractive appearing residence with a pleasant garden path landscape. Jose is quick to point out that many friends & brothers helped them, especially his brother Guillermo, who designed the landscape. Lupe remarked that some family members do not like her Pink Flamingos- but she had them stored in a closet for 15 years- saving them to someday put them in the front yard of their home. Pictured with Jose & Lupe is their son Omar & daughter Yvette, with Gene Caulfield, Chamber chairman of the Yard of the Month program. Not pictured are their children Antonio & Andreas. The Orozcos received a generous gift certificate from Heritage Hardware. If you notice a yard worthy of nomination for this program- please call the Chamber of Commerce office 525-5561.