Santa Paula Times

Santa Paula High School plans for the start of a new school year

August 06, 2003
Santa Paula High School

Santa Paula High School welcomes all parents and students to the 2003-04 school year.

Santa Paula High School welcomes all parents and students to the 2003-04 school year. We hope you have enjoyed your time off this summer with your family. A packet of information was mailed to all parents and students this week with information. This year, school will start on Tuesday, September 2. We’re looking forward to meeting with all our parents and students during the school year.Included in the parents/student packet was information on Registration:• Dress Code, Disciplinary Procedures• Causes for Mandatory Recommendations for Expulsion• Bell Schedule, Emergency Health records, ASB letter• Application for Free and Reduced Lunch• District Policy on Sexual Harassment, Annual Notice to Parents/Guardians• Calendar of Activities for the 2003-2004 school year
Important dates for your calendar are the following:New Student Registration: Registration is scheduled for August 14 and 15 through the counseling office. Counselors will be available and on campus starting August 14.Freshman Parent Night: The counselors have scheduled a special orientation for all freshmen parents on Tuesday, August 26 at 7 p.m. to inform you of our Career Pathways, and College and Vocational Academic Plans for students at Santa Paula High School. For more information contact the counseling office at extension 216.First Day of School: Tuesday, September 2 for all students.Back-to-School Night: Thursday, September 18. Please mark this date on your calendar.Parent Involvement: Santa Paula High School provides many channels of communication, which link parents and community to our school. Such channels are the Principal’s Newsletter, School Site Council, Parents for Academic and Curriculum Excellence, Special Projects Parent Advisory Committee, SPHS Athletic Booster Club, FFA Agricultural Boosters, Pep Squad Parent Boosters, Band/Drill Team parents, and Drama Team parent support group.For more information on any of the above parent groups or information packet, feel free to contact the administration office at 525-4406 ext. 220.