Santa Paula Times

SPAS: Santa Paulans being flocked all over town, even City Hall

December 31, 2003
Santa Paula News

People are getting flocked all over town and even City Hall found it wasn’t immune to the good-natured prank to help raise money for a city skatepark.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesPeople are getting flocked all over town and even City Hall found it wasn’t immune to the good-natured prank to help raise money for a city skatepark.“I’m sure you haven’t noticed but last evening we had an unwelcome invasion of pink flamingos on our lawn,” City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz told the City Council at the Dec. 15th meeting. “Perhaps SPAS (Santa Paula Association of Skaters) can tell us what can be done. . .”“Yes, flamingos have invaded Santa Paula, walked to your yard and I think you’ll see more of them,” said SPAS Co-Founder Laura Phillips.The flamingos have been garnering wide media attention including a feature on KEYT television aired in early December.The television exposure jumpstarted a run on the flocks and “future flockings. . .now that has gotten going all the flockings are designated by those who have been flocked.”Phillips said the cost is only $20 to remove “or send on to someone else to be flocked. . .it’s been a good fundraiser for the skaters, they have to be really sneaky.”“Here’s $20,” said Councilman Rick Cook as he handed over the cash.
“You can also buy flocking insurance,” noted Phillips.“Are you out of your flocking mind?” jibed Councilman John Procter, who wondered if the plastic pink flamingos are an endangered species.“I understand that there’s a second flock,” on its way to City Hall, noted SPAS Co-Founder Marisue Eastlake.Councilman Ray Luna noted that being flocked to benefit SPAS has become a badge of honor. “After getting some flamingos and passing the names on,” others, feeling unflocked and left out of the fun, “were mad at me that I didn’t give you their addresses. . ..”Phillips suggested that anyone who is interested in a good flocking call 525-0828 and ask for “RUFF, Remove Unwanted Flamingos Fast. . .” or to order a flock of the legendary plastic birds to be placed.Holiday flamingos wore Santa hats and jingle bells and New Year’s Eve flamingos also promise to be suitably attired.