Santa Paula Times

Council: CDBG projects, citizens committee nominations addressed

January 23, 2004
Santa Paula City Council

The City Council was prodded to submit candidates to serve on the Community Development Block Grant Citizens Advisory Committee or allow City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz to advertise for volunteers at the Jan. 12th meeting.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe City Council was prodded to submit candidates to serve on the Community Development Block Grant Citizens Advisory Committee or allow City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz to advertise for volunteers at the Jan. 12th meeting.The council also received the list of city projects that were submitted during last year for the 2003-2004 funding cycle and learned that code enforcement has been conducted on a complaint basis.Bobkiewicz noted that he wanted the city to review the list of seven projects, four of which did not receive funding last year.Vice Mayor Mary Ann Krause asked if the unfunded Garcia Alley improvements, noted at $70,000, had been included in the city’s capital improvement program.“Currently, Garcia Alley is in private ownership,” said Building & Safety Director Steve Stuart, who oversees the CDBG program. The request for funding had been to “put seed money into it that and see if the owner would dedicate,” the alley to the city for eventual public use requiring a drain system and paving.Krause said code enforcement has been the subject of council discussion over the year and asked if future allocations – a request last year for $113,926 for the program had been withdrawn – could be targeted to specific programs.“Can we be more detailed this year?” in the application, Krause asked.
“Clearly if the council wishes to change direction of how we do code enforcement,” such a change would be possible, said Stuart.Current code enforcement policy “is on a complaint basis per the council the last five years,” said Stuart. “I think that would be something the city manager,” could agendize for future discussion.Councilman John Procter noted that the skatepark had not been listed last year.Funds were transferred from other programs to provide an additional $100,000 to the state grant for the park, said Stuart.“The reason we’re here tonight is that we’re adding something to the process so the council,” can consider deletions and/or additions noted Bobkiewicz.Stuart said that the list was not to preclude new suggestions from the council for the upcoming CDBG funding round.Bobkiewicz said that only council member had submitted an appointment to the CDBG Citizens Advisory Committee. If the balance of appointments are not received within the next few weeks Bobkiewicz said the process could be opened up to public application.