Santa Paula Times

March is Women of History Month

March 17, 2004
On the Other Hand
By Kay Wilson-Bolton After a warm conversation with Helen Hale last Saturday, as we reminisced about my mom, she reminded that it was time to update my Women of History tribute.While it’s not a wise idea to mention only a few who represent wonderful relationships, there are a few women in my life I’d like you to meet.I love being surrounded by women who make history every day as they care for other women, and for those who allow me to take care of them while they take care of me.The women who share my life amaze me. One of them should be retired, but she keeps coming back to host the front desk when we need her. Having Marcia Crow is like having a mother, a sister and best friend come in the back door each morning. I have to be careful about what I ask Marcia to do for she will do it... no matter what.Wannette Jauregui and her daughter, Lisi Jauregui Drake, manage the accounting for over 300 renters and their landlords. They share a private office because of their honorable and demanding duties. This mother and daughter team are invaluable as Wannette’s personal integrity, shared by her daughter, make them a natural to handle this division.Pam Scott is the administrative assistant in the Fillmore office. She is a women’s prison chaplain after hours, and brings a special kind grace to her work. She starts her day in the office by praying for all of us. Josie Patterson skillfully and cheerfully manages everything in the company, including the tech support division. She has three youngsters at home is a diligent steward of the company assets.Wendy Luna Vega shares the property management team and Notary duties and has become an outstanding REALTOR(r) in her own right. Her impeccable Spanish allows us to treat our clients and guests with equal services. She is the perfect blend of youth and intelligence.Libby Magana received a major promotion last year to Manager of the Property Management Department. Her bi-lingual skills are a tremendous asset, and she will soon be a licensed real estate agent. Libby is on call 24/7 and handles every client with courtesy and careful attention.Paula Peters came to us as the efficacious voice of JC Penney and has grown into our full-time Relocation Director and transaction assistant. She is on her way to obtaining her real estate license. She brings a gentle spirit into our workplace and is purposeful about saying “thank you” and extending encouraging words.In my business life spanning the most recent fifteen years or so, I must mention Linda Gilden, who took me from one level of business life to another, simply because of her commitment to work excellence and to a friendship.Over the years, there was Janet Grant, Ruth Luna, Susan Milani, Rosa Ramirez, Elvira Ramirez, Jackie Gallagher, Becky Dyer, Linda Richards, and Elizabeth Romero, Debi Billen, Carrie Foy, Cynthia Dunbar, Midge Jagels and Samantha Hernandez.On a daily basis, there are many steady friends and comrades who do their own special work and make a difference in our town and in the world.I think of Connie Tushla, who joined me in a quest for reconciliation and unity in our community. Anna Manzano and Mary Ann Krause joined us in our commitment to Santa Paula’s economic potential.
Debbie Johnson, a long time friend, oversees my advertising efforts for the company. I admire her determination and consistency for excellence,Our master writer Peggy Kelly records all of our comings and goings, always looking for the good.There are two pastor’s wives in my life. Kathy McKeever and Debbie Gregg walk with our Shepherd pastors, yet they have uncommon ministries of their own.My partners in prayer are Janie Rios, Margaret Frost, Linda Simmons, Tillie Borrego, Susan Kulwiec, Janet Anderson, Anita Osuna and Margaret GarciaOther women who inspire me are Joyce Carlson, Molly King, Patti Fallini, Carmen Guerreo, Kathy Long, Beverly Harding, Jackie Hamilton, Cathy Barringer, Catherine Sepulveda, Betsy Taylor, Pam Colvard, Anita Pulido, Shirley Hendren, Sally Phelps and Joyce Vrajich.Thanks to my banker, Jackie Crave, for watching the details; Brenda Stewart for keeping faith with my dental appointments; Charmaine Stouder who also shoulders the Santa Paula banner; Linda Davis imparts incredible cheerfulness from my attorney’s office; Janet Lindsey for superb accounting service; and Priscilla Cervantes for skillfully monitoring the company’s insurance policies. Sally Cook puts a sparkle in her greeting when you call City Hall.A special thanks to Betty Faust for her precious notes of encouragement. The young bright spots in my life are Adrina Ramos and Jeannie Howard.Each of us is a part of some woman’s life. who is better and richer for our presence in it.A Woman of History is one whose day begins and ends with important work that adds value to the lives we share together.Please join your Women’s History Project Committee on Wednesday evening, March 31 at the Community Center, as we celebrate the stories of six women whose lives touch the heavenlies.Program tickets are $22.50 and can be purchased at the Santa Paula Times. Or, call Janet Anderson at 340.1925 or Wannette Jauregui at 525.7118, ext. 213.