Santa Paula Times

MESA continues outdoor education project

February 25, 2005
Santa Paula News

In June of 2004, Ventura County Schools regretfully informed the Board of Directors of the MESA Society (Matilija Environmental Science Area) that County Schools was no longer able to fund the project’s administrative duties due to budget cuts.

In June of 2004, Ventura County Schools regretfully informed the Board of Directors of the MESA Society (Matilija Environmental Science Area) that County Schools was no longer able to fund the project’s administrative duties due to budget cuts.MESA has served the students of Ventura County for over 25 years. School groups from pre-school to college have experienced the beauty and diversity of the 400 acre canyon site. Teachers from all the county communities found an easily accessible and pristine natural outdoor site to share with their students. The MESA Society, a non-profit group dedicated to maintaining this county outdoor education program for all these years has committed itself to keeping this site in the hands of school children.Many organizations over the past 25 years have helped MESA continue their unique program. The facility has been maintained throughout the years by CCC, a few part-time paid employees and numerous MESA Society volunteers.MESA is an environmental education facility in Matilija Canyon sponsored by the Matilija Environmental Science Area Society. All of the school programs are now designed to align with California state standards for an interdisciplinary curriculum for grades k-12. A one-day experience features a guided hike focusing on science, natural history , Chumash culture and plant identification and their uses. Students hike along groomed trails viewing the Matilija Dam and lake, coastal mountains and chapparal forest.There are many program options available to suit any age level. Some timely options for study are: The restoration of the Ventura River and the decommissioning of the Matilija Dam, Survival skills, Native American Culture, Ecosystems and environmental issues and solutions.At this time MESA is expanding its community support groups in order to help them meet the needs of its county-required annual insurance. Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD, formerly County Flood Control) is helping MESA apply for a water-education grant which will provide scholarships to participating schools. A “MESA Trailblazers” community support group can be joined by an individual for $25 or by a family for $40. Seasonal “MESA Trailblazers” hikes and work party pot-luck events are planned throughout the year. A MESA newsletter will be available spring, summer and fall. Our annual goal for 400 “Trailblazers” would cover our insurance and give us a nest egg of about $2000 to begin restroom restoration. MESA’s present needs are for a 1000-2500 gallon water tank. Home Depot has donated eight new low-flush toilets. On January 14th, the Ventura County Community Foundation generously donated $2700 from their SUN (Special and Urgent Needs) Fund to aid our insurance crisis. The project is now only $2000 away from full insurance coverage. MESA needs Trailblazers now!!The project can be characterized from its beginning as a grassroots, low-budget operation. Amgen corporation donated stainless steel sinks and construction materials for the BBQ area. A musical fundraiser in the spring of 2003 raised enough money to purchase an Airstream trailer used for an office and science lab. The Faria Foundation donated the funds for 2 large storage containers used to keep, tents, kitchen supplies, art activities and general supplies dry and safe. They also are helping to improve our office trailer, our outdoor kitchen and BBQ area. Other supporters throughout the years have included the CCC workers, Pacific Bell, Ojai Valley School, Patagonia, Everbloom Flowers, Ventura County Schools, Procter and Gamble, and numerous individuals.
MESA is celebrating its past and looking forward to the future.All contributions are tax deductible and MESA Society welcomes friends to help shape our educational dreams.MESA’s address is 210 Matilija Canyon Road, Ojai, Calif 93023MESA’S phone is 646-8712 e-mail at info@mesasociety.orgMESA’S web site is