City Council tweaks applications, approves almost $400k in CDBG funds
March 23, 2005
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula City Council
With only a little tweaking to accommodate a program whose application fell through the cracks, the City Council approved the awarding to Community Development Block Grants at the March 14 hearing.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesWith only a little tweaking to accommodate a program whose application fell through the cracks, the City Council approved the awarding to Community Development Block Grants at the March 14 hearing. Building & Safety Director Steve Stuart noted that the city is approaching its 20th year of federal CDGB participation, this year bringing almost $400,000 to various area programs and projects.Stuart noted that the advisory board appointed by council members had come up with a list of recommendations, minus the application of Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV), which “got lost in the mail system in City Hall.” Ultimately the council adjusted the recommendations to include $15,000 for WEV, which offers programs to men and women who want to start, have started or already own a small businesses. WEV also has a low-interest loan component for graduates who complete a business plan.The council also approved $38,000 for facility improvements for the upcoming Santa Paula Adult Daycare Center, with several members of the council voicing their support for Santa Clara Valley Hospice/Home Support Group, which launched the new program.The council did decrease funding for Blanchard Community Library, which had sought $83,000 for electrical upgrades, a figure lowered to $50,000 by the CDBG advisory committee. The amount was pared by another $10,000 and the city’s code enforcement program was reduced by $5,000 to fund WEV. Stuart told the council that the design component of the library project should be lower than initially estimated.The council approved funding for the city’s housing code enforcement program ($91,000 recommended) and $100,000 for startup funds to convert soccer fields at Teague and Las Piedras parks from grass to artificial turf (a third of the amount requested).Blanchard Community Library received $40,000 for electrical upgrades. The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Paula received $30,000 in building improvement funding.
In all, there were $1.378 million in requests for projects, whittled down to the $314,798 of CDBG funds the advisory committee had to allocate for “bricks and mortar projects.”Under the social services category, the city’s Senior Center Coordinator request for $10,000 was approved, as was $3,000 for the Long Term Care Ombudsman program that watches out for residents of area convalescence facilities.CASP of Santa Paula’s Food Panty received $4,320, and $10,000 requested by the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Paula Las Piedras Park program was funded. The Brown Bag-Food Share program received $2,000, and the Interface Children Family Services Santa Paula Family Resource Center’s at risk youth program was approved for $13,821.Homeless Outreach by Lutheran Social Service received $4,000, and City Impact has $5,000 for an at-risk youth program for 6th to 8th graders. A countywide program that helps renters with emergency grants and loans to avert eviction was recommended for $7,500.Senior citizens were much on the mind of council members: “I’d love to see some more money” for nutrition and other senior programs, noted Vice Mayor Rick Cook. “My concern is making sure that seniors get fed.”Councilman Gabino Aguirre expressed his support for WEV, noting that “A woman brought me into this world and I have a woman taking care of me right now….”