Last year the council set reopening Santa Paula Memorial Hospital as a major goal, one that is on the verge of becoming a reality with the sale of the hospital campus to the County of Ventura. Santa Paula Memorial Hospital, closed since December 2003, is scheduled to open in the fall as an arm of the Ventura County Medical Center.Many goals and priorities are directly rated to city coffers, not a good thing during these times of state cutbacks and economic malaise. The council has already approved budget cuts while trying to garner more revenue - whether through new sources or by boosting existing fees - to overcome an approximately $300,000 shortfall this fiscal year.A project expected to be carried over as a council priority is the continued planning of the new wastewater treatment plant, a project that must be completed by 2008 to avoid hefty state fines. Also expected to be a priority is finding more funding for public safety, specifically to hire additional police officers.