Rotarians hear of Santa Paula Adult Daycare Center benefits
May 13, 2005
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
Those who face the challenge of what to do with a loved one who needs special care will soon find respite with the Santa Paula Adult Daycare Center.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThose who face the challenge of what to do with a loved one who needs special care will soon find respite with the Santa Paula Adult Daycare Center. Representatives of the center, created after years of effort by Santa Clara Valley Hospice/Home Support Group, told the Santa Paula Rotary Club of the new center expected to open later this year.“It’s been a long, long journey,” noted Hospice Board President Cathy Barringer. “About three years ago Hospice recognized the need for an adult daycare center, a natural extension of the Hospice mission.”Barringer said that the California Endowment provided a grant to help found the center, and that Hospice contracted with the Aging Connection for startup licensing and other needs. The City Council was also supportive, approving a Community Development Block Grant for the center, which will be located at El Buen Pastor United Methodist Church.A June 25 fundraiser will be held at the Glen Tavern Inn, celebrating both the reopening of the historic inn and the creation of the Adult Daycare Center, which will benefit from party proceeds. Entertainment already includes The Starlighter Band, a caricaturist and a magician. To reflect the long history of the Glen Tavern Inn, opened in 1911, the dress code for the fundraiser is cocktail or costume.
For every senior diagnosed with dementia five people are impacted, noted Evie Greene of the Aging Connection, who said the goal of the group is to have three such locations within the county. The cost per day will be $65, although funding will be found to cover the costs for those who cannot afford to pay.Such daycare is a quality of life issue for clients, caregivers and even businesses, said Heather Frankle of the Aging Connection. Like Greene, Frankle said she had experience with a person needing specialized care before such programs were available where they would be welcomed “everyday with open arms....” Daycare clients, “instead of facing a day of isolation and loneliness,” are able to enjoy companionship and activities where they are mentally stimulated, enjoy others and share meals.“How Santa Paula has gone for so long without those services I don’t know,” especially when the toll on caregivers is factored in, Frankle noted. “A caregiver truly lives a 36-hour day,” and daycare for their loved one provides “safety, security and socialization” while providing respite for those caregivers.Sue Lindemann of the Aging Connection said that dealing with her husband’s Alzheimer’s and the exhaustion that it created threatened her ability to be an effective caregiver. “I had to make it comfortable for him so it would comfortable for me. He went five days a week and he loved it,” and such daycare - as well as the socialization it provided - benefited them both.