Santa Paula Times

League of Women Voters

September 23, 2005

If you find it puzzling to understand how an organization, such as the League of Women Voters, can be both non-partisan and political, we invite you to come to our next local unit meeting to find out.

By Joyce CarlsonIf you find it puzzling to understand how an organization, such as the League of Women Voters, can be both non-partisan and political, we invite you to come to our next local unit meeting to find out. Our next meeting is on October 4 at 7 p.m. at St. Sebastian Church, above the offices, at 235 9th Street.Two former presidents of the Ventura County League of Women Voters, Pat Murray and Sue Kelly, will be explaining how the League of Women Voters works at the local, state and national level. Both women have a great depth of knowledge and experience that will help all of us gain a greater understanding of how the League works and why it has long been such a well respected national organization.The League seeks a diverse membership, including men, even though our name would lead you to think otherwise. We believe in respect for individuals, in the empowerment of people, both within the League and in communities, and the power of collective decision making for the common good. We encourage anyone interested in becoming informed and active citizens, participating in government and influencing public policy through education and advocacy.
Our local unit meeting will also learn how to conduct a Candidate Forum, specifically in regard to the upcoming election for a seat on the Santa Paula Union High School District Board.We meet monthly at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the above address. We hope you will want to join us!