Santa Paula Times
Further Adjustments in the Lending World

Once upon a time, inflation settled naturally into the housing market.  There was also a time when the next home sold on almost any street would sell for a little bit more--just because. No one minded because we are geared to profit, cost of living  increases and healthy inflation.  But now,  the garage has to be bigger or granite has to be in place of the old Formica tops. 

Homelessness and More: An update
on the homelessness problem in Santa Paula

Kay Wilson-Bolton is a Chaplain and Director of SPIRIT of Santa Paula,a non-profit organization serving the most vulnerable and least powerful people in the community.

Baby Safe Surrender, there is
an option, don’t abandon your baby

Hardly a day goes by that tragic news doesn’t slam our senses. Nothing shocks like the tragedy of child abuse in any form. How can major injury and death befall a child at the hands of an adult they trust?

The Paperless Transaction is Here to Stay

The real estate industry, among others, has embraced electronic signing and paperless transactions. While it may be a cost saver for some, clients and some Realtors can feel the price is high.